The forecast of silting for small water reservoir

key words: small water reservoir, silting, silting forecast


A forecast of silting was developed for a small water reservoir on a watercourse not included in hydrological observations. Lack of data on the flow volumes, sediment concentration and suspended load transport suggest the use of indirect methods. These make possible determining the amount of sediment amount supplied to the reservoir. Studies on silting volume covered a reservoir at Narożniki situated on the Dęba stream. The methods of Reniger-Dębski, Brański and DR-USLE method were used in computations of sediment supply to the reservoir at Narożniki. Field studies were conducted to determine the way of management of the studied reservoir catchment. The kind of ground and its composition in the agriculturally used areas and forest sites were determined. The results of field works made possible to fix the parameters of the universal soil loss equation, which is the basis for computations using DR-USLE method. The silting degree computed on the basis of the reservoir silting measurements is 0.58%. The reservoir silting in successive years of its operation was calculated using Gončarov formula. The results of silting forecast after four years of operation were compared with the results of measurements. The highest compatibility of results for silting forecast developed on the basis of measurements was obtained knowing the average annual sediment transport computed using DR-USLE method. It was found that excluding the reservoir from operation due to silting of the 80% of its initial capacity, will occur after over 1100 years.


Michalec B., Tarnawski M., Kupiec A. 2006, vol. 3. The forecast of silting for small water reservoir. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2006, vol. 3/ 2 (1)