Hydromorphological assesment on rivers at European Union country as element supported ecological assesment of river condition in accor-dance with water frame work directive

key words: river, water frame directive, river hydromorphology


At present one of the most important problems of water management in accordance with requirements of Water Frame Directive (WFD) is counteract of worsen on water bodies condition and to end of year 2015 achievement good conditions all waters. For surface water “good state” be appointed by “the good ecological state”. Ecological conditions accordance with FWD determined biological quality elements, helped by hydromorphological and physics – chemical quality elements. It to it fully match the requirements the FWD to assessment of quality of surfers waters was one should introduce hydromorphological assessment. It in many European countries, in this also in Poland, the row of methods was has worked out was taking into account the integrated methods of assessment of quality rivers. Methods these by biological component and phisics – chemical the structural features of surface waters take into account in this: hydrological regime, continuity of river, morphological conditions. In article will be introduced applied in countries of European Union the comparison of methods with applied in Poland in the light of recommendations the FWD and standards of CEN.


Adynkiewicz-Piragas M. 2006, vol. 3. Hydromorphological assesment on rivers at European Union country as element supported ecological assesment of river condition in accor-dance with water frame work directive. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2006, vol. 3/ 4 (3)