Problems of modernisation and development of agricultural and rural infrastructure

key words: rural areas, agriculture, infrastructure, development, outlays, results


Presented were the results of prognostic studies conducted by the Author on the necessary development of agricultural infrastructure against the back-ground of the future model of agriculture and its services until 2030. The level of agricultural infrastructure must be integrated with the level of rural infrastructure which is connected with the infrastructure of the whole country. The infrastructure should meet the requirements resulting from the current scientific progress and the future needs of farmer and rural populations. The development of agricultural in-frastructure will bring measurable results in the spheres of production, energy, economics, ecology, as well as social effects. Infrastructural investments in water economy of Poland, in rural areas and in agriculture were considered the most difficult for realization but at the same time the most needed ones. Investments in the construction of sewerage and sew-age disposal systems in the country, outlays on road and electricity lines and in-vestments in commodity turnover, services, advisory and informatization have been considered in the next place. Modernization and development of internal infrastructure of agricultural commodity farms are becoming increasingly important. A major part of necessary outlays on internal infrastructure and the devel-opment of local infrastructure will originate from payments, donations and credits from the European Union assistance funds and from donations from the central budget and self-government budgets. The EU funds allocated to the realization of rural development, regional development, eastern provinces development plans and other are of crucial importance. Endeavours should be made to ensure that the EU programmes would op-erate also after 2013 and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) would be more favourable for the development of the internal and local infrastructure, even at the cost or reducing the direct payments. The infrastructural investments should be developed despite the current financial crisis. These investments, similarly as outlays on research and informati-zation create possibilities for faster sustainable development of rural areas, agri-culture and whole food economy.


Wójcicki Z. 2009, vol. 6. Problems of modernisation and development of agricultural and rural infrastructure. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2009, vol. 6/ 04