Assesment results of quality study of water from Komorów reservoir on Milikówka brook

key words: water reservoir, water quality, eutrophication, the usability of water


The thesis is concerned with a small reservoir Komorów situated on Mi-likówka Brook in dolnośląskie voivodship. The main function of the reservoir is water retencion for agriculture purposes and recreation. The paper includes the results from the study of the quality of water flowing into the reservoir, water re-tentioned there, and flowing out of the reservoir. The study was conducted between March and October 2009. Following water quality indicators were taken into consideration: nitrates, phosphates, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrolitical conductivity, reaction and water transparency. Evaluation of water quality according to the valid Regulation of Minister for the Environment regarding the means of uniform waters status classification and evaluation of waters eu-tophication was described in the thesis. Moreover, it was verified whether waters taken into scrutiny are vulnerable to nitrogen compounds pollution coming from the agricultural sources. The usability of water reservoir was estimated by com-parision of the water indicators with the limit values characterizing water suitable for swimming.
The study revealed that waters flowing into the Komorów reservoir, due to the nitrate values exeeds limit values for 1st class waters. Water temperature, dis-solved oxygen, electrolitical conductivity and reaction values classify it as 1st class waters. Waters flowing out of the reservoir, on the other hand, due to the nitrates, temperature and reaction values classify it in the 2nd class, while the values of dis-solved oxygen and electrolitical conductivity put it in the 1st class of waters quality. Furthermore, analysis of the retention water of the Komorów reservoir revealed that the limit values were exceeded only with regard to the water transparency, relating to the uniform surface water deposits, such as body of water, announced in Regulation of Minister for the Environment from 2008. It was stated, as well, that analised waters are not vulnerable to nitrogen compounds pollution coming from the agricultural sources and are not eutrophic. The results of the quality study of water from Komorów reservoir state that due to the water transparency, it does not meet the criteria for the suitable watering places.
Study conducted in the area of Komorów reservoir gives initial information regarding water quality. In order to receive more detailed information, such study should be continued. It will contribute to the making of the right economical deci-sions relating to utilization of the reservoir by the facility manager - Lower Silesia Administration of Land Melioration and Water Equipment.




Wiatkowski M. 2010, vol. 7. Assesment results of quality study of water from Komorów reservoir on Milikówka brook. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2010, vol. 7/ 08 (2)