Variability of water energy resources on example of Bóbr river

key words: hydropower, renewable energy, the hydro-electric potential


Currently, there is more attention paid to the need of using renewable energy sources (RES). The increased interest in renewable energy sources is associated with greater public awareness of limited conventional energy sources and with gradual increase in energy prices. There's noticeably more investors who plan the investments associated with the use of RES. They can count on the revenue associated with supplying the energy (purchase obligation). In addition, the energy producer from RES receives certificates of origin "green certificates" which can be traded on the commodity exchange market.
The increasing interest in RES development is the main reason for looking at new possibilities to generate energy from these sources. The paper presents issues related to the use of energy from natural flows in rivers. Characterizes the energy potential based on the sum discharge curve of the Bobr River and duration established for long-term flows. The analysis of conditions affecting the development of hydropower has been presented. The basic environment conditions
essential for the design, construction and operation of hydroelectric power has been summarized.




Malczewska B. 2010, vol. 7. Variability of water energy resources on example of Bóbr river. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2010, vol. 7/ 13