Potential impact of climate characteristics changes on forest economy in central part of Wielkopolska region

key words: air temperature, atmospheric precipitation, growing season, forest economy


Meteorological conditions have a potential impact on forest economy. Var-iation in atmospheric precipitation and air temperatures are of particular relev-ance. The presented meteorological parameters obtained between 1987 (1986) and 2008 from the meteorological station in Zielonka included: annual, half-year and monthly precipitation sums; snow cover characteristic, drought frequencies; number of days by quantity; mean annual, half-year and monthly air temperatures; number of days of different temperature categories; duration of the meteorological growing season; beginning and completion of the meteorological growing season, period without slight frost. The study results indicated the occurrence of changes in the values of the above-specified parameters. From 1987 to 2008 the mean precipitation value was 531mm. In Zielonka nearly 5 droughts in
a year and 2-3 during the summer half-years were noted. In recent years, a de-crease in days with precipitation below 1mm was recorded. The mean annual air temperatures and mean temperatures of the winter and summer half-years show a rising tendency. This is the result of changes in the number of days with extreme temperatures. In recent years, the number of days with the average temperature between -5.0 and 15.0°C has decreased while the number of days with temperature above +15.0°C has increased. The length of the meteorological growing season shows relative stability and equals 200 days. However earlier start and completion of the growing season is noted.




Grajewski S. 2010, vol. 7. Potential impact of climate characteristics changes on forest economy in central part of Wielkopolska region. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2010, vol. 7/ 14