Hydrogels in cultivation of agricus bisporus

key words: hydrogels, mushroom cultivation, crop of mushroom, dry mass


One of preparations having an influence on mushrooms are hydrogels. They are chemical substances causing an extension of water capacity in the cover with simultaneous decrease of water losses due to evaporation. Using sorbents affects reduction in watering frequency and lowering financial costs. The
researches were done in 2010-2011 in two growing cycles. For the production it was used pasteurized bed with planted two-spore mushroom mycelium of Sylwan 737 race. The doses of hydrogels amounted from 0 to 200 g٠m-2. There were two kinds of hydrogels used in the experiment: AgroHydroGel. In the research it was measured size and the most important parameters of commercial crop: dry mass quantity, one fructification mass. The purpose of the study was to determine hy-drogels influence on a two-spore mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). As the result of the research it was noticed differences in quantity and quality of the crop depending on the used dose and the kind of hydrogel. In both growing cycles the highest crops were gained with hydrogel in dose of 200 g٠m-2, the lowest ones on beds with no hydrogel.




Koc G., Rak J., Gąsiorowska B., Radzka E., Jankowska J. 2011, vol. 8. Hydrogels in cultivation of agricus bisporus. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2011, vol. 8/ 06