Atmospheric precipitation deficiencies in the white cabbage and carrot cultivation in the region of Bydgoszcz in the years 1981-2010

key words: sum of precipitation, deficiency of precipitation, white cabbage, carrot, early and late cultivation


The aim of the study was the estimating of the level of the deficiency of precipitation in the early and late cultivation of white cabbage and carrot in the years 1981-2010 in the region of Bydgoszcz. For this purpose, results of standard meteorological measurements from the Research Station of the Faculty of Agri-culture and Biotechnology 'Mochełek', University of Technology and Life Sciences were used. Optimal precipitations for medium soils were calculated according to Klatt. Precipitations deficiency in subsequent month of cultivation and in critical periods in terms of water supply were calculated by diminish between the real and optimal precipitations. The trends of deficiency of precipitations in the examinated period were estimated too.There was not demonstrated essential changes in the average air tempera-tures and the sum of precipitation in period IV-IX. The precipitation deficiency in vegetation period and in critical periods was indicated. It verify the necessity of the irrigation in the cultivation of the white cabbage and carrot. The precipitations deficiency in the examinated period not indicated the growth trend. Larger climatic risk of cultivation due to precipitations deficiency in the late cultivation of exami-nated species was demonstrated.


Durau B., Żarski J. 2013, vol. 10. Atmospheric precipitation deficiencies in the white cabbage and carrot cultivation in the region of Bydgoszcz in the years 1981-2010. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2013, vol. 10/ 02 (1 (Jun 2013))