Post-operating recycling of plastic contained in scrapped technical resources

key words: plastic, recycling, scrapping, environment protection


The development of recycling - reusing resources used to build vehicles, machines and equipment is presently forced by increasingly rigorous environment protection requirements. Recycling is becoming a new branch of economy protecting the natural environment, but it can also bring considerable economical profits, develop the technical infrastructure of boroughs and counties and also create new work places.The development of recycling leads to the emergence of a number of complex problem of technical, economical, social and legal nature forcing resourcefulness and creativity in decision making. These problems are of great importance in the scope of vehicle and household hardware due to the fact they are the most produced and used by the people.
The article presents the problems of vehicle, machines and equipment recycling in Poland concentrating especially on the problem of plastic recycling. Aforementioned problem is especially important in Poland due to the fact of the existence of large quantities of scrapped plastic, it's long natural neutralization process and the lack of citizen awareness (creating illegal dumps in forest and rivers, emitting dangerous and toxic substances by burning plastic in household fires etc.).


Tomczyk W. 2013, vol. 10. Post-operating recycling of plastic contained in scrapped technical resources. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2013, vol. 10/ 03 (3 (Sep 2013))