Flow duration curves in the Mała Wisła catchment

key words: flow duration curve, period-of-record flow duration curve, mean annual flow duration curve, Mała Wisła


Basing on four 49-year time series of daily flows in the Mała Wisła catchment, two methods of creating flow duration curves (FDCs) were analysed: a traditional method where one FDC is produced (period-of-record FDC) using all flow from N-year period, and mean annual FDC created as the average of N annual FDCs. The latter FDC differs from the former especially in the area of minim flows. In this area, for assumed exceedance durations p = 60, 70, 80 i 90%, a Qp taken from a mean annual FDC is higher from about 10% for p = 60% to even more than 20% for p = 90%. This increase and its amount are of value for selecting threshold flow when defining drought and for water supply design.
The application of the second method implies that instead of a single value of exceedance time, p% or 365p days, and a single value of flow Qp, an N-element set of exceedance times of a fixed flow value, and an N-element set of flows Qp for fixed p are given. These set exhibit the variability of both the exceedance time and the flows Qp for fixed p. Both variabilities were studied and were shown to be considerable.




Węglarczyk S. 2014, vol. 11. Flow duration curves in the Mała Wisła catchment. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2014, vol. 11/ II (1 (Jun 2014))