key words: rural areas, multifunctional development, suburban zone, Wrocław


For years the development of rural areas has aimed at multifunctionality, which is approached as a remedy for low development level and the weakness of Polish agriculture. However, the implementation of program assumptions depends on many factors, just like the pace and direction of changes which differentiate the particular areas of Poland. The intensification of changes occurs in the influence zone of large cities, where, to a large extent, non-agricultural economic functions and residential buildings of a specific urban nature appear.
The objective of the study is to compare and evaluate changes occurring in the suburban municipalities of Wroclaw, in terms of their multifunctionality. The indicator method was used to compare the values of indices in time and space of nine suburban Wroclaw municipalities. The Central Statistical Office resources represent the data source, the analyses cover the years 1995 - 2015. The research was divided into demographic, spatial and economic aspects. All analysed municipalities are characterized by the significant dynamics of transformations. The similar tendencies of change are observed, however, their range and rate are diversified. The industrial sector is strongly developed in the studied municipalities, and the dynamic growth of all analysed dimensions is characterized by the ongoing processes of socio-economic development. The municipalities located around Wroclaw have a strong development potential towards multifunctionality. The concentration of impulses for multifunctional development is particularly characteristic, among the analysed municipalities, for the following ones: Kobierzyce, Siechnice, Czernica and Długołęka.


Warczewska B., Przybyła K. 2018, vol. 15. THE MULTIFUNCTIONALITY OF RURAL AREAS IN WROCLAW SUBURBAN ZONE. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2018, vol. 15/ I (1)