Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Prof. dr hab. inż. Czesław Lipski

Dr inż. Marek Ryczek

Assessment of antierosion efficiency of biological construction made after innudation in the 2005 year on the basin of Wielka Puszcza stream

The cathastrofical grand rainfall, which appeared on 2.08.2005 year in the amount of 70 l/m2 caused innudation in the basin of the Wielka Puszcza stream. The high flows caused numerous damages, for example: depresson of river bed bottom from 1 to 2m and broaden about 2–4 m. In many places the river banks, asphalt road, bridge and numerous trees were destroyed. After the innudation the assessment of destructions and also the biological construction in the river banks protection before the flows were made. It was found that, at the good biological construction of river banks there is not erosion. The best plant species for the biological construction are: Alnus incana, Salix alna, S. fragilis, S. viminalis, S. purpurea and other willow. If there are in biological construction the big flows don`t devastate the banks. Unadequate to biological construction are the forest trees for example Picea excelsa because they do not protect the river banks against the big flows. Assessment of damages made by big outflow for example: channel deepening and enlargement, reservoir sedimentation and damages of river banks by stones. The trees which were uprooted by big water created in some places water falls, and at its deep holes in ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Occurrence of xerothermic vegetation on the Malopolska Upland

Xerothermic swards occurring in Poland are extremely valuable communities because owing to the presence in them of plant species originating from warmer climatic zones they increase the biodiversity of domestic grass ecosystems. They also contribute to improvement of landscape amenities in the areas where they occur. The Malopolska Upland is a region where xerothermic swards are quite numerous. Generally they cover small areas, usually on sites where warm and dry habitats are found, mainly on strongly sun-heated slopes with southern aspect. Four plant alliances are present in the xerothermic swards on the Malopolska Upland Sisymbrio-Stipetum capillatae alliance can be encountered on gypsum rocks 129 covered with thin layer of loess soil. Another alliance forming on gypsum substratum covered with slightly thicker loess layer is Thalictro-Salvietum pratensis assemblage. The alliance frequently found on the Malopolska Upland is Inuletum ensifoliae covering the southern steep slopes of the terrain elevations developed from senonian marles. The fourth alliance of xerothermic vegetation commonly present on the Malopolska Upland is Adonido-Brachypodieto pinnati plant assemblage, encountered on deeper loamy-clay or humus brown soils similar to chernozems. Xerothermic swards, which are not climatic assemblages undergo a natural plant succession, changing into forest ecosystems. Therefore, human interference is crucial ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Prof.dr hab.inż. Krzysztof Maślanka

Assessment of techniacl infrastructure development and the state of biological construction round water reservoir Domaniów on Radomka river

The content of paper is assessment the technical infrastructure and biological construction state round water reservoir Domaniów. It was found that technical infrastructure round water reservoiris well developed. Made 20 km pipe line water, 30,7 km sewerage to all localities. Built sewage treatmen plant, modernization of water station and same pump stations. Introduced biological construction again abrasion does not give good results. Development trees and shrub was weak and many plants did not live trough by reason of devastation from people and not good soil condition. Therefore biological construction is too little effectives in protection the banks of water reservoir against abrasion. The 2005 year about 150 m (runing metre) was devastated by abrasion. Improvement of the road infrastructure is very need round the water reservoir because their present state is insuitable. According to our observations and researches we think, that the development of technical infrastructure round water reservoir Domaniów is satisfa ctory and biological construction unsatisfactory. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Flowering spectra of selected xerothermic plants of the Miechowska Upland

The Malopolska Upland beside the Lubelska Upland is the region of Poland where the greatest number of xerothermic habitats occur. During the 2007 vegetation period, phenological investigations were conducted on the southern slope of Lisiniec hill in the Miechów town vicinity. The investigations focused on the occurrence spectra of development stages of selected xerothermic plants with particular regard to the flowering stage. The observations covered the following species: Adonis vernalis, Agrimonia eupatoria, Anemone silvestris, Anthemis tinctoria, Aster amellus, Brachypodium pinnatum, Campanula sibirica, Centaurea scabiosa, Centaurea stoebe, Cirsium pannonicum, Coronilla varia, Cypripedium calceolus, Galium verum, Inula ensifolia, Linum flavum, Linum hir-sutum, Medicago falcata, Orchis pallens, Peucedanum oeroselinum, Salvia prat-ensis, Sanguisorba minor and Stachys recta. The state of their development stages was described and compared with the data given in the botanical key “Polish Plants” [Szafer et al. 1967]. On the basis of conducted investigations it was found that flowering of almost all analysed plant species began later and ended earlier than stated by Szafer et al. [1967]. Delay of flowering and acceleration of flowering cessation was most probably caused by strong spring drought and vegetation period not much abundant in rainfall. Further research is necessary for better identification of ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Locality of evening primrose at Tokarnia in the Małopolska Upland

Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a wild species growing in lighter and barren soils, which for a long time has aroused interest due to its usable value. Its root was used as a vegetable with considerable dietetic values. Interest in evening primrose grew even more by the end of the 20th century when it was discovered that oil in the primrose seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, particularly in linolic and gamma-linolic acids, which beside biological activation of human organism can be successfully used for treatment of various diseases, including Alzheimer disease, allergies, diabetic neuropathy, dementia, hypertension, vascular disease and various consequences of post-viral diseases. Cultivation of evening primrose on plantations decreases slightly therapeutic values of the oil obtained from seeds, therefore in the Authors' opinion evening primrose seeds should be gathered from wild plants, particularly when it occurs so massively as at Tokarnia in the swietokrzyskie province. The Authors found large numbers of evening primroses growing in light sandy soil covering several dozen of idle arable lands. Spontaneous settling by this species of such large area may be regarded as a some kind of botanical curiosity which inclined the Authors to undertake further studies ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Site conditions favouring development of xerothermic plant communities on fallowed arable lands

Various phytosociological plant communities may develop on fallowed arable lands depending on soil-and-climatic and topographic conditions. In this paper the Authors have presented conditions under which xerothermic vegetation encroaches on arable lands. Characteristics of fallowed arable lands, which during the diversified in time process of self-sodding changed into xerothermic communities of sward type, was presented on the basis of phytosociological characteristics of selected fallowed arable lands situated in the vicinity of Pińczów and Staszów. It was found, that depending on the substratum, plant communities belonging to various phytosociological units develop on the fallowed arable lands. Communities forming automatically in the initial period of fallowing are characterized by a considerable degree of fortuity. The course of plant succession on fallowed arable lands situated in soil-and-climatic zones favouring xerothermic vegetation advances a development of steppe plant communities through a process of self-sodding. Depending on the geological substratum (gypsums, marls or limestone) and also on the thickness of soil deposit they are diversified in respect of their phystosiociology. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Prof.dr hab.inż. Krzysztof Maślanka

Landscape changes occuring in the nearest surroundings of the water reservoir Domaniow

The authors present in the papers the landscape changes, which occure in the nearest surroundings of the water reservoir Domaniów. The landscape changes we can divide on two periods- during the building the water reservoir- after reservoir filling.The construction of water reservoir Domaniów caused the biggest changes of landscape, because desintegrated the earlier infrastructure, which there were in Radomka walley: liquidation of ways, buildings water mill at so on. In the same time were made water dam and the way running on the crown of dam, embankment of water reservoir from the side of Brudnów and Konary localities, and also technology ways circum water reservoir.After filling the water reservoir still causes the landscape changes, which the authors determinate as direct and indirect. Direct impact on the landscape results from the elevation of ground waters what increases the biodiversity and apperance of landscape. More intensive is indirect impact of water reservoir, because it stimulates investment activity on this terrains. The people are building the houses, which need for the tourists and holiday - markes and also the restaurants, bars, parkings and so on, and these all change the landscape. Therefore all new investments ought to be very scrupulate analyze with regard ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Czesław Lipski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr inż. Marek Ryczek

Damages of the Wielka Puszcza stream channel below the dam as a result of disastrous rain

Erosion processes apart from distruction of upper layer of soil, influences morphology and hydrology of streams. Devastation of upper soil layer decreases basin retention what increases surface runoff, flood discharges and decreases low flows. Particularly bad damages in mountains basins are caused by heavy rains that have local extent but are very violent. The Wielka Puszcza basin is located on two natural regions: Podkarpacie Właściwe and Beskid Mały that belong to the Karpaty district. The basin area amounts 19,30 km2. Density of hydrographical network is 1,60 km⋅km-2, slope index 0,3102. Mean height attaines 507,5 m npm. The basin has forestry degree 81,65%, and indicator of forestry development 0,87. In the investigated basin prevail slopes above 30% (62,1%) and 20-30% (20,7%). It is lack of slopes of 0- 3%. The mean slope of the basin is 25,47%. In land use prevail forests (81,65%). There is 16,54% of arable lands, and grasslands cover 1,81% of the area. The cross sections of the channel and discharge intensity curves before flood and after flood that took place on 28 August 2005 were presented. Disasterous flows caused significant cross section area, lowering channel bottom of about 0,5 m. The change of flow intensity curve took ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Krzysztof Maślanka

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Water reservoir on the Radomka River was built in 2001 year. From the 2001 to 2008 year there were carried out measurements of water levels in 16 wells near water reservoir.It was found, that water levels in the wells were correlated with water levels in water reservoir. At higher levels of water in the water reservoir there were also higher levels of water in the wells. The highest levels of water in the wells were in the spring season and afterwards systematically decreased till winter season. The water levels in the wells were always higher than in the water reservoir. Only the 2001 year was different, because then the reservoir was not filled completely. Higher levels of water were a result of depression curve. The higher levels of water in wells indicate the advantageous influence of water reservoir Domaniów on the terrain humidity in neighborhood, thus affecting the vegetation development.     ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Krzysztof Maślanka

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dynamic of water damning changes in Domaniów reservoir water Turing 2009 to 2013

Daily measurements of water levels in water reservoir Domaniów were carry out from 2009 to 2013 year. After analyzing date received it was found that correlation between precipitation and water levels in water reservoir. Besides the highest water level in reservoir in all years there were during the spring season and the lowest water levels in reservoir water during autumn season. It results mainly hence, that during the spring is stronger humidity because except precipitation there are also water from melting snow. Whereas in autumn period is water deficit because the summer was strong evapotranspitation and the soil is very dry. The high water levels in reservoir occur also in other month if at the very intensive rainfalls. It will be described below.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Czesław Lipski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Soil erosion processes in the carpathian mountain regions

The authors show in the paper which types of soil erosion occur in the Carpathian mountain region and what are causes of it. It was found that the most susceptible to soil erosion were arable lands because of their surface being periodically devoid of plant cover. On the arable lands two types of soil erosion: surface and wind erosion can be found. Sometimes one can also find rill erosion and land slides. On the mountain grasslands, the most frequent are landslides which occur also in the forests on slopes with inclination. The main cause of soil erosion is the waterproof clay part on which a surface layer of soil slides down. All described types of soil erosion are very dangerous for environment because degrade the soils, pollute the surface waters, lower the agricultural and grassland production and lower the landscape values. The occurrence of soil erosion in mountain regions is caused first of all by larger and more intensive rainfalls and inclination of the slopes. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Czesław Lipski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr inż. Marek Ryczek

Hydrological characteristics of the upper part of the Soła river basin against the background of physiographical conditions, climate and use

In the work there were presented results of investigations carried out in the framework of the research problem concerning hydrological characteristics in the upper Soła river against the background of physiographical conditions, climate and use. Apart from physiographical characteristics the results of annual discharges measurements amounting 1,303 m3*s-1 at hydrometrical section closing the basin of an area of 37,525 km2, unitary runoff amounting 57 dm3*s-1*km-2 and runoff indicators 2,96 mm. ...