Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

The importance of sedimentation process for treatment of rainfall sewage from urbanized areas

The problem of reducing the negative impact of rainfall sewage on ground and water environment has been the subject of research and scientific papers for many years. It becomes more and more frequently an inherent part of planning and projects of sewer systems in the anthropologically transformed areas. Non-point sources of pollution are one of the main causes of water quality degradation. Traffic and washing out the sediments deposited in sewer pipes have the most serious influence on pollutant contents in rainfall runoffs. Therefore, characterization of pollutants in rainfall sewage is necessary for preparing plans of water management in urbanized catchments. The article aims at an assessment of the sedimentation process effect on reduction of pollutants from rainfall sewage. Sewage samples for analyses were collected from the roadside ditches at Pułłanki street in Kraków-Bieżanów in April 2003 and February 2004 during surface runoff observations. After 120 minutes of sedimentation, the following pollution indices were determined in the collected raw sewage samples: BOD5, CODCr and total suspended solids, sporadically phosphates, whereas after 15, 30 and 60 minutes of sedimentation only total suspended solids and CODCr were assessed. The analyses revealed the usefulness of sedimentation process for pollutant reduction from rainfall sewage. ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Water and wastewater management condition in Poland regarding water framework directive implementation

The aim of the article is to present the changes in water and wastewater management in Poland before and during the WFD implementation. The basis for the analysis was data from Statistical Yearbook from Central Statistical Office – Environment Protection and from National Programme for Municipal Waste Water Treatment implementation reports. The total amount of the treated sewage in Poland increased by about 37,9% in multi-years period of 1980-2007, whereas the amount of untreated sew-age delivered to the environment decreased by as much as 83,4%. Moreover, the tendency for increasing amount of sewage treated in high performance technolo-gies is observed. The direct symptom of improvement in the situation is the ten-dency of decreasing BOD5, suspended solids, general nitrogen and general phos-phorus in the sewage drained into water or ground. Such tendency is visible especially regarding the two first indexes. As a result of National Programme for Municipal Waste Water Treatment implementation since 1990 the increase of amount of people who use the sewage treatment plant is clearly seen. Unfortu-nately, disproportions occur in the amount of tenants of cities and villages who use the sanitation and sewage treatment plants. At the end of 2006 about 85% people in cities exploited ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Tomasz Bergel

Data Mining implementation in household water usage forecasting in the farmhouses

Short-term water usage forecasts are fundamental for the waterworks and sewerage systems as well as for the sewage treatment plants’ optimization. In this research the capability of forecasting the time series of daily household water usage in the farms with implementation of Data Mining methods was evaluated. To prepare the 10-days water usage forecast, exponential smoothing and ARIMA method was used. The source material were the daily amounts of water used for household purposes in the selected farmhouse during 22 months. Exponential smoothing turned out to be the most useful in water usage forecasting, because it includes not only the values, but also the diversification of the future forecasts’ importance. Significant inequality of the daily water usage causes the increase of the forecasts’ errors. The forecasting methods which base on the exponential smoothing algorithms are easy to apply and do not require the assumption of the stationarity of the time series. In the analyzed case relatively good forecast of the daily household water usage was obtained after applying the additive Winters model. On the other hand, ARIMA models allow for the precise forecast of the water usage, providing that the model parameters will be correctly identified and the condition of ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr inż. Włodzimierz Miernik

Semi-natural systems of drainage and treatment of stormsewage from the urbanized areas – legal and technical aspects

Living and industrial sewage is claimed to be the only source of the water pollution in urban areas. Therefore the regulation of sewage management – which is building or extension of sewerage systems - is considered to be the suffi-cient protection of the urban water resources. Urbanized areas, especially mu-nicipal – industrial agglomerations become huge sources of air, water, soil, streets, squares, roofs and non-built-up areas pollution. Pollutants washed down from the streets or other impregnated surfaces, during the precipitation or snow-melt, are the serious danger for the soil and water environment. The article reviews the obliging legal regulations concerning the drainage and management of the precipitation water from the urbanized areas. The main attention was paid to possibilities of the retention and infiltration of precipitation water – which is their management in the site where the precipitation originates. Moreover, the examples of created and exploited objects used for retention and infiltration together with the effects of pollutants’ reduction in the treated pre-cipitation water were presented. The basic legal documents concerning the man-agement possibilities and quality standards of precipitation water are the Water Law from 18th July 2001 and The Regulation of the Minister of Environment from 24th July ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Method of cluster analysis in homogenous catchments identification considering flood indexes and selected physiographic characteristics

One of educating activities aims is characteristic, grouping and classifi-cation of phenomena, objects and behaviors. Division of some group of objects, subjects or devices into subgroups plays very important role in standardization operations. A result of objective analysis of the tested set structure is the possi-bility to determine mutual relations between elements which create the set. This is particularly important in hydrology, especially in modeling of processes that oc-cur in catchments or drainage basins. Relations between catchments characteris-tics and hydrologic models’ parameters are extremely important in estimation of parameters of statistic distributions, evaluation of changes in catchments and prognosis of hydrological phenomena in uncontrolled catchments. The knowledge of the spatial distribution of hydrological characteristics is more and more often used in water management, especially during water management plans creation in the area of catchments or drainage basins. In order to estimate interesting hy-drological characteristics in uncontrolled catchments the method of regional fre-quency analysis is applied, which allows to allocate areas of homogenous type of the analyzed phenomenon. To allocate the homogenous areas methods of two or more variables regression, cluster analysis, kriging or artificial neural networks are applied, too. Grouping methods base on the internal division criterion, which is mathematic ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Mgr inż. Karol Plesiński

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Enhancement possibilities of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from sewage in the treatment plant in Lopuszna

The paper presents analysis of modernization possibilities of the techno-logical chain in the sewage treatment plant in Lopuszna concerning removal of biogenic pollutants. High operation effectiveness of the analyzed treatment plant is important regarding the protection of water in the cascade of Czorsztyn-Niedzica-Sromowce Wyzne reservoirs against the excessive pollution. The assess-ment of modernization possibilities of the treatment plant was based on the num-ber of computer simulations upon the ASIM2d model. This model includes 21 separate processes, which were divided into: hydrolysis processes, processes with heterotrophic bacteria XH, processes with poliphosphates' accumulating bacteria XPAO, processes with nitrifiers XAUT and chemical processes.The analysis revealed that low effectiveness of biogenic substance removal in the objective treatment plant results from the lack of activated sludge recircula-tion into the anaerobic chamber which causes that the biological dephosphatation process is not sufficient enough. The situation will change if the internal and external recirculation chain is corrected and the anaerobic chamber is included in the technological chain of the objective sewage treatment plant. ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Impact of flood wave characteristics and catchments on the parameters of the synthetic unit hydrographs - beta and Weibull distribution

The article evaluated the possibility of description of the observed unit hy-drographs using the synthetic unit hydrographs defined by beta and Weibull prob-ability distributions in the following sections: Gorliczyna on the Mleczka river, Iskrzynia on the Morwawa river, Jasło on the Jasiołka river and Brzeźnica on the Wielopolka river. The performed analysis was based on the observed hydrographs from the multi-year period of 1980-82 from the summer and winter half-years. The analysis itself was based on the unit hydrographs describing the direct outflow from the catchment. The shape and scale parameters of both analyzed distributions were defined using a function that based on minimization of the difference between the observed and simulated flow during the culmination of the analyzed episode. The correctness of the unit waves description by the analyzed distributions was tested using the Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient. The analysis indicated that the analyzed unit hydrographs are well described by the beta and Weibull distribution (slightly better results of calculations were obtained for the beta distribution). The quality of the models was unsatisfactory only for 27% of all analyzed episodes. For both functions the relationship observed between flow values in the culmination and the β scale parameters was ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Dr inż. Włodzimierz Miernik

Influence of entrance parameters on maximum flow quantity receive from NRCS-UH model

In article sensitivity analysis of NRCS-UH model on changes of entrance parameters were made. Influence of precipitation hietogram shape, CN parameter and lag time on changes of Qmax1% flows in uncontrolled catchment were studied. Izwór stream catchment were chosen to analysis. It is typical mountainous and forest catchment - 86% of its surface is covered by forest. All calculation were made with use of HEC-HMS 3.4 program. In NRCS UH model, catchment have been divided into particular catchments, for which a weighted average of CN parameter and also lag time have been evaluated. These parameters were an entrance parameters for further calculations. Influence of changes of parameters size and results got from model were established by changing their size about 10% in comparison to exit values and then simulations were executed. There were assumed that parameters in model will be modify till ±50% of entrance values. Calculations showed that HRCS UH model is most sensible on changes of precipitation hietogram shape and CN parameter, which characterized the retention of catchment. In turn, modify of lag time does not influence in fact on change of maximum flow values.     ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Effect of dry storage reservoirs to reduce of flood haz-ard in small urban ca-tchments

This article shows analyzes the possibility of reducing the 1% frequency flood wave with use of dry storage reservoirs. Analyses were carried out in the Serafa catchment, where due to a very high degree of sealing creates a risk of flooding for residents, which showed even the flood of May 2010. The increase in the degree of sealing due to faster response to the rainfall catchment area and, consequently, higher peak flows. An alternative to increase the degree of sealing the catchment are measures to improve water retention. One such method is the construction of dry storage reservoirs. In this article was analyzing the work of these variants reservoirs - in the first scenario assumed a reservoir on the Serafa river, in the second - two dry reservoirs, one on the outlet in Malinówka tributary and second - as in variant I. The capacity of the reservoirs resulted from the anal-ysis of topographic maps and digital terrain model and the small retention program for the Malopolska Voivodeship. All calculations were carried out in the HEC-HMS. In the case of the analyzed catchment was the most preferred variant II. Calculations showed that this variant is possible to reduce the maximum ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

An attempt to establish regional dependencies for the parameter calculation of the Ssnyder’s synthetic unit hydrograph

The article attempts to establish regional dependencies for calculation of the Snyder's model parameters. This model belongs to a group of synthetic unit hydrographs, whose parameters are determined based on the characteristics of catchments. This creates the possibility to use this model in uncontrolled catchments to calculate maximum probable flows and to construct hypothetical waves. In practice, this model is used worldwide. It is recommended for practical use in Poland, however due to the lack of established values of model parameters specific to Polish conditions, its use is rather unreliable. The optimization of the model parameters was carried out for the selected episodes of rainfall-runoff in the cat-chments of Rudawa, Kamienica, Grabinka, Stobnica, Jasiołka and Wielopolka. Hydrological data used in the calculations were provided by the Institute of Mete-orology and Water Management National Research Institute in Warsaw and were derived from the Annals of hydrology for the Vistula basin. The analysis revealed that the Snyder's model very well or well describes the observed flooding incidents (values of the effectiveness ratio E ranged from 68 to 93%). The parameter values of the Snyder's model, which depend on the shape of the catchments, levelled slope of the watercourse and the CN parameter, ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Utiliziation of the reliability theory and statistical quality control to assess the operation of rural sewage treatment plants

Two methods of assessment of the effectiveness of sewage treatment plant operationwere presented in the paper: first one – with the use of the reliability theory, and second one, with the use of the statistical quality control process by means of control charts. The analysis was carried out in a sewage treatment plant located in the village of Rokiciny Podhalańskie. The sewage treatment plant works in the A2/O system. The evaluation of effectiveness of the sewage treatment was made for the following pollutants: BOD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. The analysis showed the proper work of the sewage treatment plant for BOD and total phosphorus. The calculated reliability level were 93,3% and more than 99,9%. For total nitrogen the reliability level was lower: more than 46% for empirical distribution and more than 37% for normal distribution. This was caused by the character of inflow sewage. The analysis of control chart showed the stable work in reducting organic pollutants, and in spring and summer period unstable work for ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus. Only once a disturb of process effectiveness of total nitrogen changes caused probably by inflow of storm water to the sewage system was observed. ...

Dr inż. Włodzimierz Miernik

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Influence of operation time the efficiency of on effectiveness at sewage treatment process in Lemna sewage treatment plant

The evaluation of the influence of operation time the efficiency of on effectiveness sewage treatment process in a Lemna sewage treatment plant is presented in the paper. The basis for the evaluation included the study of the physical and chemical inflow of sewage to the treatment plant and outflow to the river, realized in years 1998–2000 and repeated in years 2004-2005. The research covered sewage temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, BOD5, total suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen and phosphates. The analysis showed an increase of hydraulic load at sewage treatment plant from 75% in years 1998–2000 to projected 100% (150 m3∙d-1) in years 2004–2005. Also, an increase was observed of concentrate pollutants in inflow sewage for following parameters: total suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen and phosphates. The increase of hydraulic load and pollutants load was caused by deterioration of the quality outflow sewage but for organic pollutants (BOD5 – average 24,6 mgO2∙dm-3) and total suspended solids (average – 26,4 mg∙dm-3), for which the discharge met the demands of water supply and sewage. Permission the increase of quantity of the sewage sludge on bottom ponds was caused by deterioration of quality outflow sewage in the analyzed sewage treatment plant. The anaerobic process in sewage ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

The effect of physicochemical properties of sugar industry wastes on activity of activated sludge and efficiency of nitrogen compound removal

Biological methods have always played an important role in sludge treatment technology. Biological treatment may be conducted in various ways, in many cases as activated sludge method. Currently the processes and factors affecting efficient elimination of pollutants from municipal wastes have been relatively well identified. On the other hand the situation is different for industrial sludges. Efficiency of industrial sludge treatment plant depends mainly on physicochemical properties of sludge inflowing from individual enterprises. The work aimed at identification of sugar industry waste composition in view of its susceptibility to the processes of biological treatment, mainly removal of nitrogen compounds. The subject research was conducted in a laboratory model of bioreactor composed of an anoxic chamber where the denitrification process was conducted and aerated tank with a built-in secondary settlement tank in which nitrification process was taking place. Analyzed were sugar-mill wastes supplied from a factory and sewage treated in the analyzed model. Conditions in both chambers of the model treatment plant were monitored during the investigations. Activity of the activated sludge and the course of nitrification and denitrification processes were determined using OUR, AUR and NUR tests. The analyses have revealed that sugar wastes composition is variable in time and ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

New technologies of small domestic sewage volume treatment applied in Poland

Numerous firms dealing with widely understood natural environment protection offer various solutions for domestic sewage treatment plants. While choosing the suitable variant of such installation, an investor is driven in the first place by economic factors, easy operation and high operational reliability. The article presents and assesses four domestic sewage treatment systems working on the basis of activated sludge technology, biofilter and combinations of these two methods, selected in view of the results they achieved. Because of the specific character of sewage produced in the areas with dispersed buildings, sewage treatment plant installations must prove highly reliable under variable operating conditions, they should be cheap to construct and utilize and not require complicated service. It seems that Sequencing Batch Rectors (SBR) treatment plants meet these requirements, as well as combined installations which join a classic activated sludge method and submerged or mobile biofilter systems. In case of SBR reactors, the whole process of sewage treatment occurs in a single tank where individual phases of the working cycle are controlled by computer. Regulation of supplied air quantity allows to modify the bioreactor work cycle in the way making possible additional reduction of biogenic compounds from sewage. Technical solutions which combine activated ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr Iwona Paśmionka

Treatment of sewage from selected food manufacturing plants

Industrial effluents have currently constituted the main portion of a total volume of generated sewage, however a tendency to diminish their quantity has been observed. Treatment of specific sewage faces serious technological problems due to the special character of production in the manufacturing plants, which affects the irregularity and amount of pollutants. Considerable quantitative and qualitative variability of the generated sewage is perceivable even at the plants with the same profile of production. Therefore, it is necessary to identify precisely the properties of effluents produced not only by the same branches of industry but even by single factories. Considering the food sector enterprises, the least amount of literature data is available on physicochemical properties of effluents generated by confectionery industry. Therefore, the study aims to characterize the effluents produced by confectionery factories and compare them with the properties of sewage from other food manufacturing plants. The main emphasis was put on the analysis of the results of research on confectionery effluent treatment in a model bioreactor with activated sludge. The main characteristics of sewage generated by confectionery factories are considerable fluctuations of pollutant quantities, which is a frequent cause of observed operational problems with the treatment plant process line. Compared ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Włodzimierz Miernik

Influence of air temperature on the sewage temperature in the household sewage treatment plants with vertical flow sand filters

The article presents results of analyses concerning the influence of air temperature on the sewage temperature in the household sewage treatment plant. Each of the objective treatment plants (4 of them) consisted of the septic tank and vertical flow sand filter. The research was carried out from March 2003 to May 2006. Air temperature, raw sewage temperature (flowing into the septic tank), primarily treated sewage (after the septic tank) and treated sewage (on the out-flow from the septic tank) temperature was measured. The influence of the sur-rounding temperature on the raw sewage, primarily treated sewage and treated sewage temperature was statistically analyzed. On the basis of the research it was ascertained, that the temperature of the raw, primarily treated and treated sewage is influenced by the air temperature. ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Vertical flow sand filters as the second step of the small amount of living sewage treatment

The article presents the thorough description of the vertical flow sand filters. The construction of sand filters was also presented and materials used for building filters were described. In the next part, capacities of sewage treatment in the vertical flow sand filters were presented. Vertical flow sand filters are mainly used as the second step of sewage treatment after septic tanks or after Imhoff tanks, as well as the third step after biological treatment processes when the high quality and stable outflow is required. Sand filters are useful for treatment sew-age from single households and from the group of houses, but they also can be used in bigger sewage treatment plants for the public utility objects. The article ends with the summary and conclusions where it is ascertained that the vertical flow sand filters are very good solution regarding household sewage treatment plants, in the areas where the combined sewerage system can-not be applied. Moreover the efficiency of sewage treatment in these objects is high. ...

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Use of nrcs composite unit hydrograph and conceptual Wackerman’s model for simulation of flood hydrograph in uncontrolled catchment

Plural number of small and uncontrolled catchments tends to find methods, which allow describing water resources. In case of catchments, in which there is no hydrological information some indirect methods are used: analytical which are loaded of big error, or lately increasingly popular mathematical models.The aim of the paper was to describe maximum flows with probability of exceed: 0,5%, 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 50% in uncontrolled catchment of Sielski Potok, with use of conceptual Wackerman's model and NRCS composite unit hydrograph, for two level of catchment's moisture.The results show differences in maximum flow values. In case of Wackerman's model the typical flood hydrograph for mountainous river were got, but in NRCS-UH, the flood hydrograph does not fully give mountainous character of Sielski Potok river. In both methods with probability increase, the values of maxi-mum flows decreased. ...

Dr hab. inż. , prof. UR Bogusław Michalec

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Reservoir storage for flood safety of the draining system terrains of the Łączany Barrage on the Vistula river

The possibility of enlargement of the flood safety of drained terrains of locality Zarzecze using the storage reservoir, accumulating the excess of flood waters was introduced in the work. The worked out conception of the chapter of waters from the ditch R to the pumping station channel was also presented. The lock of the valves of embankment sluices leading the waters of the ditch R to the Vistula river follows in flood conditions, by increasing the level of the water in to the Vistula river. It comes to the outflowing of water from ditch R and submergence of the terrains of the settlement Łączany-Zarzeczein the consequence of the permanent supply of water to ditch R and damming up of water in ditch in the result of the lock of the embankment sluice. In the order to attain o reduce the risk of submergence of these terrains the creation of the storage reservoir from the pumping station channel was proposed. This channel leading water to pumping station Zarzecze. Capacity of storage reservoir and the time of filling up were qualified, founding steady the supply about flow intensity equal to 2,13 m3 ∙ s-1. It was statement that the current technical condition ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Antoni T. Miler

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

The effect of moisture conditions on estimation of the CN parameter value in the mountain catchment

Research was carried out in the Kamienica river catchment. This catchment is included into three mesoregions: upper part of the basin - in the Beskid Sądecki, central and lower part of the basin - in the Beskid Niski and the Kotlina Sądecka. Seven floods, which occurred in 1997-2010 in the upper part of the Kamienica catchment, were selected in order to verify the suitability of the NRCS method to calculate the direct runoff. The CN parameter value according to NRCS method was estimated based on the observed phenomena of rainfall-runoff. To follow the aim, the total runoff hydrograph was divided into two parts: groundwater (base) flow and direct runoff. The obtained results confirm the reports of other authors that the CN parameter estimated by empirical study is significantly higher than the theoretical value for normal conditions. Thus, it was concluded that during a drought period or, in a case of normal precipitation, watercourses are supplied by groundwater of the first aquifer. The conducted examinations showed, that in the case of mountain catchments, the use of baseflow as an index of ground moisture to calculate the CN parameter is legitimate. It seems that the degree of catchment moisture is better characterized ...

Mgr inż. Beata Bogoń

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Concept of improvement of municipal sewage management in Baranów Sando-mierski commune

In the paper an analysis of sewage management in Baranów Sandomierski commune, locateg in north part of Podkarpackie province was made. The mean efficiency of waork of two sewage treatment plants, located in Baranów San-domierski and Dąbrowica was defined. It was noted, that both treatment plants eliminate pollutions satisfactorily in accordance with current regulations of law. Quality of water of Babulówka river, in section located upstream and below of sewage outflow was characterized. It shows, that quality of water was significantly improved in section located below of sewage outflow in case of BOD5, total phos-phorus and ammonia nitrogen. On the basis of municipal sewage management in the commune a few variants of improvement of sewer system were proposed. In Wola Baranowska build of sewer system with length of 15 km and two collective vegetal and pond treatment plants were taken into consideration. In case of areas with detached buildings individual sewage treatment plants were proposed. ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

The efficiency of the sewage treatment based on the example of the sewage treatment plant for the city of Krynica-Zdrój

The paper presents the efficiency of the sewage treatment based on the ex-ample of the sewage treatment plant for Krynica-Zdrój. The research was carried out from January 2006 to December 2007. The following sewage pollution indexes were physico-chemically tested: BOD5, CODCr, total suspended solids, general ni-trogen and general phosphorus. The reliability coefficient (RC) was calculated for each of the analyzed indexes. The amount of the transgressions of the admissible index values in relation to the water law permission was defined. Moreover, the ef-fectiveness of the indexes' decrease in the tested period was analyzed. Additionally the amount of sewage flowing into the treatment plant in each months of the tested period was presented. The carried out research showed the high efficiency of the pollutants' removal. The average reduction of the tested indexes balanced on the level of: BOD5 - 95,03%, CODCr - 90,98%, total suspended solids - 94,76%, gen-eral nitrogen - 79,79%, general phosphorus - 63,5%. ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Evaluation of the reliability of the sewage treatment plant for the commune of Tuchów

The paper presents the reliability of the sewage treatment plant operation for Tuchów commune. The research was carried out from January 2005 to December 2006. The following sewage pollution ratios were physico-chemically analyzed: BOD5, CODCr, total suspended solids. In order to define the proper treatment plant's operation, the reliability coefficient was calculated (RC) for each of the tested indexes. The empiric reliability was presented. The amount of transgresions of the admissible index values presented in the water-law permis-sion was described. Moreover, the efficiency of the ratios' decrease in the tested period was defined.The carried out research showed the high efficiency of the pollutants' amount decrease: BOD5 - 90,7%, CODCr - 86,6%, total suspended solids - 90,5%. The calculated Reliability Coefficients RC of the analyzed indexes amounted respectively: for BOD5 - 0,52, for CODCr - 0,31 and for total sus-pended solids 0,62. ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Variability of the unitary average daily water consumption by mszanian man

The volume and variability of water consumption by inhabitants of town of Mszana Dolna was defined on the basis of readings from meters in 35 buildings in the period 2001–2007. The analysis performed showed that the average daily wa-ter consumption in Mszana Dolna totalled 78,79 dm3.d-1.M-1 in single family houses and 83,80 dm3.d-1.M-1 in block of apartments, which is similar to water consumption in other places across southern Poland. In the buildings analyzed, a continuous drop in water consumption was recorded, which in the period ana-lyzed reached 25% in houses and 15,5% in blocks of apartments. The number of units of water consumed in houses also decreased despite the increase in the num-ber of inhabitants. Average daily water consumption in single family houses reached a peak in summer, while lowest water consumption levels were recorded in autumn. Differences in water consumption volumes in particular seasons in blocks of apartments are marginal. Average household consumption was by 21,2% lower than the consumption levels specified in the standard, while the difference in block of apartments amounted to 47,6%. ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Jucherski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Influence of season on technological of reliability of multi-degrees plant-ground adjacent of sewage treatment

Rural areas in view of specyfic bulding still does has inadeguate degree solve of sewage management. Great interwals beetwen buildings and offen bad conditions to build a sewage system are cause to popularized nonconventional methods of sewage treatment in this areas. This technologis shoud be high effective, reliability and chip. These solutions permit faster achieve desirable, good to environmental ecological effects than a sewage system and local sewage treatment. The most popular in our country are constructed wetland. This constructed characterize a high effective of reduction concentrate of organic pollutions, suspended and biogenic compound, and accumulate and minaralizate secondary sludge on account of biological treatment process. Temperature of sewage and process treatment in bed is a main factor, which significant influence on reduction pollutants in seminaturals technology of sewage treatment. In scientific literature is fault results on-site researchs of influence a winter condition on kinetic changes organic and biogenic pollutants and effectivenes reduction in this constructed. The aim of work is evaluation of influence off season vegetative on effectiveness reduction of concentrations organic and biogenic pollutants and total suspended in adjacent of sewage treatment use of reliability theory.Influence of season on reduction analized pollutants was defined by use a ...