Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Małgorzata Spytek

Biogenic loads carried by the Raba river into the dobczyce reservoir in 2002–2005

The Dobczyce Reservoir is especially important because it is a source of potable water for the inhabitants of Krakow. The source of the reservoir feeding is the Raba river, whose catchment still lacks properly managed sewage disposal, therefore the water inflowing to the reservoir contains pollutants which decide about the insufficient water quality in the reservoir and to a considerable degree also determine the processes occurring in it, including eutrophication and overgrowing. In the work analysed was the loading of the Dobczyce Reservoir with biogenic compound load carried by the waters of the Raba river. The analysis based on tests of the Raba water quality and the flow volume on the inflow to the reservoir in the Osieczany cross section. The tests covered the period from May 2003 until October 2005. Investigations of biogenic compounds concentrations were conducted with average frequency twice a month. Concentrations of NH4, NO2, NO3,PO4 and total P were determined. The loads of individual biogens were computed for days, months and years of the analysed period. The obtained results point to a considerable diversification of mean daily values of loads in the analysed years. They were the highest in 2005 for NO3, NO2 and total P, ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Dr inż. Grzegorz Kaczor

Influence of water/wastewater objects on rural landscape

The paper presents results of analyses concerning influence of water/ wastewater objects and infrastructure on the landscape. Foundations for the carried out research were on one hand formally-legal and technical requirements regarding location of water/wastewater infrastructure objects, and on the other hand – valuation of their influence on the landscape. In order to prove this argument, that such influence exists, review of systems of rural water/wastewater infrastructure was made, especially on the area of South Poland, using photographic documentation collected in the Department, and also performing additional local view in order to complete it. The paper also shows examples of objects’ location with positive or negative influence on the landscape. Beneficial influence on the landscape was found in the case of surface waters’ intakes and located reservoirs of raw water in their neighbourhood. In the case of supply – equalising reservoirs, pressure on the landscape is dependent on their sizes and the applied solution (water towers or water reservoirs). The most unfavourable influence on the landscape have sewage treatment plants situated in exposed places. The research showed, that while choosing location of water/wastewater infrastructure objects on the areas of high touristic and landscape qualities, and also in the neighbourhood of ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Małgorzata Spytek

Concentration of biogenic compounds in water of the streams flowing up to the Dobczyce reservoir

Based upon investigations the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in tributaries of the Dobczyce reservoir were determined. The investigations were carried out in the period between July and December 2003 and during the hydrological years 2005. The Dobczyce reservoir which is the source of water for Cracow has maximum volume of 125 mln m3. The Raba river is the main tributary of the reservoir. The reservoir is also supplied by own basin of area 78,2 km2 with several small streams having total area 64,4 km2. Apart from the Raba river streams of direct basin are suppliers of biogenic compounds to the reservoir. The work was based upon analysis of concentrations of NH4, NO3, NO2 i PO4 in samples of water taken from the following streams at their inflow to the reservoir bowl: Brzezówka, Ratanica, Trzemeśnianka, Dębnik and Wolnica. The samples were taken once a month. Obtained results point that the concentrations of biogenic compounds in water of direct tributaries did not determine serious threat for quality of water of the Dobczyce reservoir in the second half of 2003. The similar state was noticed in the hydrological year 2005. Waters of investigated streams in analyzed period were moderately abundant in ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Dr inż. Tomasz Bergel

Evaluation of the potable water quality provided by the waterworks from the selected lesser Poland voivodeship’s poviat

The physico-chemical quality of the potable water, provided by the waterworksof the selected poviat from Lesser Poland voivodeship, was evaluated.The evaluation included the period of 2003-2006. The objects of the research were20 waterworks' and they were tested for the following water quality indexes: turbidity,reaction, conductivity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and fluorine. The resultsfrom the water quality examination, performed by the Sanitary and EpidemiologicalStation, were also used for the analysis. In order to find the variability of eachindex, apart from their average values, also the maximum and minimum amountswere counted, as well as standard deviation and the amount of transgressions ofthe admissible value of the index. The research showed high variability of the indexes'values between different waterworks during the analyzed period. Thesedifferences are clearly seen when comparing the waterworks which use thegroundwater and the waterworks which use the surface water. These first waterworksprovide water of better quality. The physico-chemical properties of watertaken from the tested waterworks are 64,3% consistent with the Ministry of HealthRegulation on the potable water quality. The majority of problems in the group ofphysico-chemical indexes is caused by the transgressions of the water turbidity indexes.In case of the groundwater intakes, the admissible value - 1 NTU was exceededby 19,2% ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Separation of the solid phase from the domestic sewage in the householsd sewage treatment plant

The paper presents the results of the experiment on the separation of the solid phase from the sewage disposed to the household sewage treatment plant. On the basis of the results the modification of the treatment plant's technological chain was proposed by the appliance of the additional device - Aquatron separa-tor, which uses the Coanda effect, for solid phase separation from the sewage. The results of the model laboratory analyzes on the separation efficiency were the ba-sis for this proposition. The research was carried out for the changeable drop of the inlet pipe (1,0-5,0%), different volume of the sewage and the solid phase con-tent. The research results showed the possibility of 94,9-97,3% reduction of the suspended solids' load. ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Władysław Grenda

Management of water withdrawn from the rudawa river for water supply network of Kraków with use of storage reservoirs

Water for water supply network of Kraków is withdrawn from the Rudawa river on the weir in Szczyglice. The withdrawn water is directed to two intake res-ervoirs, for pretreatment and storage to ensure water supply for the time of water quality decrease in the river. At the time of incorrect water quality in the reser-voirs (e.g.during eutrophication) water is withdrawn directly from the river. The water source is selected based on the water quality monitoring in order to provide best possible quality material to the waterworks. The paper presents the structure of water intake during the 8 year period. The percentage share of water with-drawn from the river and from the reservoirs in respect of the volume of treated water was analysed in each year. This percentage changes in time in favor of the intake reservoirs, from 32.0 in 2004 to 88.0% in 2010. The average share in the analyzed period of time reached the following values: intake directly from the river - 40.0%, reservoir I - 41.0%, reservoir II - 19.0%. Changes in the total per-centage of each source occur often, ranging from 100% use to complete resigna-tion from the source. Deteriorating water quality in summer (algae development, increase ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Władysław Grenda

The impact of intake reservoirs on turbidity and colour of water drawn from the Rudawa river for water supply purposes

In 1998 the water intake from the Rudawa river for water supply purposes of Krakow was secured by storage reservoirs with a total volume of 981 thousand m3. The reservoirs are designed to improve the quality of water supplied to the Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Water collected in the reservoirs acts as supply used when water quality in the river deteriorates. Simultaneously the water is purified in these reservoirs. The article presents the impact of the reservoirs on the change of water turbidity and colour during the first 11 years of the exploitation of the reservoirs (1999-2009). The analysis was based on the results of the research carried out in five sites of the technological line, from the intake through the storage reservoirs to the raw water well (Młynówka, inflow to the reservoirs, outflow from the reservoir 1, outflow from the reservoir 2, the well of raw water located in the area of the WTP). The reservoirs had beneficial effect on the reduction in water turbidity in the analysed multi-year period. In the raw water well the average water turbidity value was lower than the turbidity of water drawn from the Rudawa river (Młynówka) by 55,33% and the scope of ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Water management in Poland in view of water supply and sewage disposal infrastructure development

The quantitative and qualitative state of water resources in Poland were presented in the paper. Discussed were selected factors shaping changes of water quality, including: improvement in sewage treatment balance, increase in the sewage system length, increase in the population number using sewage treatment plants, diminished outflow of organic substances and biogens in treated sewage. Presented state of water purity in Poland indicates, that despite improving quality, their state is still bad and the date when the desired state may be reached is still distant. The needs of municipal economy were presented against the state of water management, including the characteristics of selected systems of waterworks and sewage disposal systems development during the period of the last two decades, indicating the specific character of these systems in rural areas. ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Olga Woyciechowska

Variation in tap water consumption indicators in small poviat town

The paper presents the variability in tap water consumption in a 17-thousand poviat town located in the eastern part of the Lesser Poland voivodeship. The recipients were divided into households, industrial plants, service facilities along with other recipients. Based on the analysis conducted in a multi-year period of 2000-2012, with a decrease in the total water consumption by 15.0%, the water consumption indicators were determined in relation to one connection to the water supply network of individual water consumers. Their mean values were 0.744; 60,359 and 1.606 m3× d-1, respectively. During the study period the mentioned indicators decreased - by 31.2% in the case of households, by 43.8% for service facilities, while in the case of industrial plants they increased by 15.0%. The conversion water consumption per capita in households was also determined as an average of 82.96 dm3× d-1. This ratio decreased from 91.08 dm3× d-1 in 2000 to 79.57 dm3× d-1 in 2012 (reduction by 12.6%). In the structure of water consumption, households were the predominant users (52.0%) followed by industry (30.8%) while the remaining amount of water (17.2 %) was consumed by service facilities along with other recipients. ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Małgorzata Spytek

Biogenic compounds in inflow for the Dobczyce Resrvoir

The study presents the results of the research under contain a nitrogen and a phosphorus in the Dobczyce reservoir's inflows (in a period July-December 2003 year). There was a drought time, which characterized a low precipitations. The research has done on a shot in a five direct inflows of reservoir: Ratanica, Brzezówka, Dębnik, Wolnica i Trzemeśnianka and in the Raba river (Osieczany section). Obteinable results of the research with six measuring sections were compared and on this basis, water was qualified to an appropriate grade. The direct inflows of the Dobczyce reservoir, which was investigated on a contain a nitrogen and a phosphorus, wasn't serious endangered in a half a 2003 year. The inflows was moderate prosperous in a nitrogen compounds and affluent in a phosphorus compounds. The water of streams investigated rest on value of concentration nitrogen in a form: amonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen according to a decree of 1991 can qualify for a first class purity. According to a proposal decree can qualify for a first class with exception of the Ratanica stream and the Trzemeśnianka stream, concering to nitrite nitrogen. There is a worse qualify of water in the Raba river, becouse of amonium ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Dr inż. Grzegorz Kaczor

Unit water consumption per household during 8-year period of observations

The work analyses the eight-year (1997–2004) period of research on water consumption by a selected household in a housing estate in Krakow. Water consumption was referred to the number of persons using water in the investigated household, a unit consumption was determined and daily irregularities in the uptake of water. The household numbered four permanent dwellers. The basis for analysis were daily indications of water meter registered in the observation journal, temporary changes of the number of inhabitants and water use outside the flat, e.g. for garden watering or car washing, etc. The investigated building is fully furnished with running water and sewer system, i.e. running water is supplied to the flat furnished with kitchen sink, flushed toilets and two fully equipped bathrooms. In the initial period of investigations, wastewater from the building was directed into a cesspool but since November 1997 it has been drained by common sewer system. Obtained research results revealed that daily unit water use in 1997–2004 ranged between 5.9 and 693.3 dm3∙M-1∙d-1, whereas average unit daily water consumption fell within the 135.5 and 177.5 dm3∙M-1∙d-1 depending on year. The biggest difference between average daily unit water uptakes in individual months was registered in 2000 and ...

Dr hab inż. Piotr Bugajski

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Mgr inż. Karolina Kurek


The aim of the study was to determine the value and concentration indicators of BOD5, COD and general nitrogen in domestic wastewater after mechanical treatment, which should be considered in the design of the activated sludge reactor. Ninety-nine samples of raw wastewater and after mechanical treatment were then collected and physicochemical analysis was carried out. The quantity of pollutants in the raw wastewater was verified to determine if this was domestic wastewater. The next stage of the analysis included the definition of the characteristic quantity of the analysed indicators in wastewater after mechanical treatment, which should be taken into account while calibrating computer programs supporting the design of biological reactor chambers. A detailed analysis led to the conclusion that mean values for BOD5 - 300 mgO2·dm-3, for COD - 500 mgO2·dm-3and for total nitrogen 50 mgN·dm-3 should be applied. The work also determined the susceptibility of wastewater after mechanical treatment to the decomposition of organic and biogenic compounds. ...