Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Evaluation of traffic noise propagation in afforested areas

Noise is one of the most popular environmental pollution. Long-standing residence in noisy areas can cause discomfort, problems with sleeping, neurosis, etc. Because of moving sources and increasing the number of routs, communicative noise is drudging on the huge areas. The level of noise emitted depends on the number of vehicles, as well as their types, speed and technical condition and also the type of routs pavement. Propagation of acoustic waves in the roadside area is stipulated by sound's source energy as well as characteristics of the emitter. Forest ecotone zones and roadside afforestation constitute a certain ecological filter buffering contaminations generated by traffic. Trees and shrubs growing in the vicinity of routs are able to reflect as well as absorb noise. They can form natural acoustic screen. The paper presents an assessment of the propagation of communicative noise on the forestry areas by analysis of variance. Researchers were carried out in the forest area, urban and park forests. Evaluation of noise propagation was conducted in January and July 2006. The measurements’ intensity of noise was interpreted according to model three-factor linear model as well as two-factor linear model. Measuring points were located in different distances away from the crown ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Dioxin monitoring of the forest environment

The condition of the continuous existence of the forest ecosystem is the presence of balance of major processes of metabolisms. Each significant change in the chemical balance in the environment brings about disturbances of homeostasis, quantitative and qualitative succession of the major components of both plant and animal world, resulting in degradation of the forest environment. It is necessary to monitor forest environment to control changes in the environment. The network of forest monitoring is based on the fixed observation spots (SPO) of row I and II. Forest monitoring is a system of forest environment evaluation description and sanitary condition on the basis of continuous or periodical observations and measurements of the selected indicators in the observation spots. An additional duty is to fulfill the obligations undertaken by Poland concerning the frame of the Transborder Long Distance Migration of Pollution Convention, Biodiversity Convention, as well as the Strasburg resolution and Helsinki Paneuropean Conference of Ministers called to discuss Forest Protection in Europe, and EU directive Forest Focus Nr 2152/2003. The process of changes and adjustments of the monitoring to the EU demands began in 2004. The state forest monitoring programme introduced then the principle of two-level differentiating of the density ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Forest’s screening effect on distribution of traffic noise

Noise is one of the most popular environmental pollution. Long-standing residence in noisy areas can cause discomfort, problems with sleeping, neurosis, etc. Because of moving sources and increasing the number of routs, communicative noise is drudging on the huge areas. The level of noise emitted depends on the number of vehicles, as well as their types, speed and technical condition and also the type of routs pavement. Propagation of acoustic waves in the roadside area is stipulated by sound's source energy as well as characteristics of the emitter. Forest ecotone zones and roadside afforestation constitute a certain ecological filter buffering contaminations generated by traffic. Trees and shrubs growing in the vicinity of routs are able to reflect as well as absorb noise. They can form natural acoustic screen. The paper presents an assessment of the propagation of communicative noise on the forestry areas by analysis of variance. Researchers were carried out in the forest area, urban and park forests. Evaluation of noise propagation was conducted in January and July 2006. The measurements’ intensity of noise was interpreted according to model three-factor linear model as well as two-factor linear model. Measuring points were located in different distances away from the crown ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Road transportation impact on the soil environment – trace metals migration range assessed by magnetic survey of soil

Policy of road transportation development in the countries of Central Europe imposes construction of new and modernization of existing roads for still increasing transportation burdens. Road transportation release broad range of chemical pollutants, including trace metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu). High concentration of some chemical elements may destabilize homeostatic balance of the soil environment and may decrease health of forest stands. Negative impact of trace metals depends not only on its concentration but also on a form as well as chemical activity of chemical compounds which include trace metals. Potential negative impact of trace metals on the soil environment can be assessed with utili-zation of magnetic soil survey methods. An easy-to-measure geophysical indicator of magnetic properties of some materials is magnetic susceptibility, which de-scribes the magnetic response of a sample when exposed to a weak increasing magnetic field and is directly linked to concentrations of ferromagnetic minerals. For example, if magnetic susceptibility over soil surface equals 30 to 50x10-5 SI units, it may be assumed that concentration of at least one trace metal goes be-yond threshold natural value for forest ecosystem soils. The aim of the research was assessment of spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility of ...

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Effect of trace elements on the morphometric parameters of assimilation apparatus in white birch

The aim of the research project was to test the hypothesis that the white birch as hyperaccumulator of selected trace elements can be used in soil remedia-tion, that it acts as bioindicator in environmental studies and can be a useful spe-cies for planting to restrict migration of trace elements to the forest ecosystem with no adverse impact on its development and proper functioning. The research presented in this paper relied on a comparison of the mor-phometric parameters of assimilation apparatus in white birch (Betula pendula Roth.) growing in an isolated geomembranes soil, which has received two doses of trace elements in easily digestible forms. The results showed that the different levels of trace elements have the same impact on the state of assimilation apparatus birch. Given the prevalence of birch in Polish conditions, its good adoption to an environment with a strong human impact and low environmental requirements, this species may be suitable for planting in the form of biogeochemical barriers screening sources emitting trace elements (routes, dumps, landfills, industrial plants, sewage treatment plant).     ...