Prof. dr hab. inż. Artur Radecki-Pawlik

Mgr inż. Aleksandra Świderska

Mgr inż. Karol Plesiński

Diversification of hydraulic parameters in near rapid hydraulic structures (RHS)

At the present, in modern river training practices and philosophy one can notice coming more into use ecological friendly hydraulic structures. Those, which are especially needed for river training works, as far as expectation of Water Framework Directive is concerned, are rapid hydraulic structures (RHS). What is important, RHS in general do not stop fish and invertebrates against migrating upstream, provide natural and esthetical effects within the river channel, still working as hydraulic engineering structures. Along this paper we described and measured some hydraulic parameters within the reach of chosen rapid hydraulic structures, which we found in the field. The main aim of the research was to describe changes of values of those parame-ters upstream and downstream of the RHS's and to find out their influence on hy-drodynamics of the stream. The study was undertaken on the Porębianka Stream in the Gorce Mountains.Observed hydrodynamic parameters within the reach of the RHS's depend on the location of measuring point and the influence of individual part of the structure. At the same time maximum velocity does not always create the bigger shear force, because it is also depend on the velocity distribution along the hydro-logical profile. ...

Dr inż. Leszek Książek

Dr inż. Jacek Florek

Mgr inż. Aleksandra Świderska

Prof. dr hab. inż. Artur Radecki-Pawlik

Morphological and granulometrical river bed changes along a mouth part of the Raba river (Poland)

The river channels exploitation leads directly and indirectly to they river training. The usual consequences of that is a dramatic change of river dynamics. Thus in the studies – especially field studies – which can show the better explanation of river forming channel and river processes are the key elements when one intends to talk about river renaturalization and river rehabilitation. In the following paper the results of investigations of morphological changes within the outlet of sand-gravel river are presented just after the bankfull. Also the granulomerty of the considered river channel material was taken into account. On the base of very detailed field survey done along a mouth unit part of the Raba River situated in front of Polish Carpathians, the authors provided the analysis of morphological and granulometric changes of the river bed and channel. Under the consideration the authors took river bed forms, ricer bed armoring and sub-pavement granulomentry as well as river geometry of the particular cross-sections. Work was done (and is continued) within the years 2005-2006 but only the data from 2005 year are presented here. It was fund that along the research channel many new so called riffle and pool sequences are present as ...