Dr inż. Bogdan Grzelak

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Influence of drip irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on two cultivars corn yielding on very light soil

The influence of drip irrigation and two nitrogen fertilization doses on the height and quality of grain yield of maize cultivars Cedro and Smok was deter-mined in a field experiment carried out in the years 2006-2008 on very light soil at Kruszyn Krajenski, near Bydgoszcz. Results of the experiment have proved that drip irrigation was the basic yield creating factor without which maize cultiva-tion would have been failed while only dependent on the rainfall in June and July. Low yielding of non-irrigated plants caused a high productive effects of the treatment. The average increment of irrigated corn yield was 4,77 t.ha-1(221%) and the efficiency of 1 mm of irrigated water had a mean of 34,9 kg.ha-1. Double dose of nitrogen fertilization used on irrigated plots caused an increase of grain yield of corn (in average of 11%), an increase of the DM grain of corn and pro-tein in grain and decreased the grain moisture content during harvesting. The re-sults of the study and of some previous works have shown, that drip irrigation used instead of sprinkler irrigation cause an increase of individual productive ef-fects and contribute to more efficient water use. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Dr inż. Bogdan Grzelak

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Dr hab. Roman Rolbiecki

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Rolbiecki

Corn yield response to drip irrigation and nitrogen fertigation in the area of excessive water deficits

The aim of the the research was to confirm the need for irrigation as the main yielding treatment in corn production on a very light soil with permeable subsoil in the area of distinct water deficits, and determining the effectiveness of nitrogen fertigation, compared with broadcast application method. Accurate field experiment was carried out in 2008-2010 on the experimental field of the Department of Land Reclamation and Agrometeorology of the University of Science and Technology in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. During the study period occurred large irrigation needs in corn production, due to insufficient and uneven distribution of rainfall in the particular growing seasons. Seasonal irrigation dose averaged 194 mm.Obtained results showed that the cultivation of corn for grain in the area of distinct water deficits is purposeful only under the irrigation conditions. For non-irrigated variants the yield of dry matter of grain was only 0.87t.ha-1 and did not exceed in any year of the research the level of 1.0 t.ha-1. Under irrigation corn yielded on average 6.55 t of grain dry matter from 1 ha. A worth recommending irrigation system in corn production for grain is dripping system, in which effect of production per unit was higher than effects ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Prof. dr hab. Czesław Rzekanowski

Dr inż. Bogdan Grzelak

Preliminary results of the study on the influence of sprinkler irrigation and differentiated nitrogen fertilization on yields of true millet cv. ‘gierczyckie’ on a very light soil

The influence of sprinkler irrigation and four nitrogen fertilization doses on the height of true millet cv. ‘Gierczyckie’ was determined in a field experiment carried out in the years 2005–2006 on a very light soil at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. The soil in horizon 0–50 cm was characterized by field water capacity 57 mm, useful retention 43 mm and effective useful retention 30 mm only. The experiments were run in a split-plot system with three replications. Two different factors were compared. The first row factor – irrigation, was used in the two following treatments: Wo – without irrigation (control), W1 – sprinkler irrigation according to tensiometer indications (-0,03 MPa). The second row factor – differentiated nitrogen fertilization, was used in the four following variants (doses): N0 = 0 kg N ha -1, N1 = 40 kg N ha -1, N2 = 80 kg N ha -1, N3 = 120 kg N ha -1. Water requirements of true millet were estimated as optimal rainfall amounts for this crop, according to Klatt and Press proposals. Mean - for two seasons - water needs of true millet (since May 1 to August 31) amounted 278 and 294 mm, for Klatt and Press proposals, ...