Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Dr inż. Mariusz Adynkiewicz-Piragas

Mgr inż. Renata Kazimierska

Assessment of oxygen conditions in lower course of the Smortawa river as the basis for evaluation of self-purification of waters with regards to the water framework directive requirements

Restoration of rivers self-purification ability is an important part of the efforts to improve surface waters quality both in Poland and in the world. River regulation works are indifferent neither for the environment nor for the ecosystem of the river, as they change the ability of river waters self-purification. This article presents results of researches on changes of oxygenation and BZT5, as well as water temperature and pH in the hydrological year 2003/04 on regulated and unregulated parts of the Smortawa River. In the progress of the research, conditions of self-purification of the river have been assessed. ...

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Drabiński

Water as the forest habitat quality differentiating factor within flooding areas of the NATURA 2000 system

Riverline woodland habitats are extremely valuable in terms of ecology, and many of them are included to the Natura 2000 network. Unfortunately, in recent decades water conditions on these areas have considerably changed, what is causing their degradation. For that reason, studies on differentiation of habitats determined by variable water conditions in flading areas have been curried out. The case study was Oława-Lipki flood polder, covered with forest. This article presents an analysis of water and habitat conditions executed in years 1997–2000. ...

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Mgr inż. Magdalena Medwecka-Szklanna

Mgr inż. Anna Dzikowska

Mgr inż. Patrycja Wawrzyniak

Ecomorphological valorization of the Oława river from km 01+400 TO 04+800

The paper presents the results of ecomorphological valorization of the left-bank tributary of the Oder River - the Oława River situated on Wrocław area in the sections from 01+400 to 04+800, between the Rakowiecki Bridge and the water-bearing areas of the city. The areas along the Oława River belong to the eco-logically valuable thanks to it biodiversity. However, their extraordinary landscape make them the subject of cultivation plans in the valley. The studied river segment was divided into 17 sections 200 m each, where hydromorphological valorization was carried out by the use of Ilnicki and Lewandowski method. The aim of the paper was the assessment of the ecological potential of river valley on the urbanized area and possibilities of maintaining natural environment in possible best condition despite of environmental hazard.     ...

Dr inż. Justyna Hachoł

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Influence of the regulation of the Smortawa river on the self-purification processes for oxygen indicators

In this paper an attempt of estimating the self-purification processes in the Smortawa river was undertaken. The investigation was carried out at the natural and altered transects of the river between km 9+676 and km 7+105 in hydrological year 2004. At the examined stretch three measurement sections were located (km 9+676, km 8+030 i km 7+105), where the values of oxygen indicators (biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD(Mn) and COD(Cr)) were measured. At the examined stretch of the river, the values of oxygen indicators decreased depending on the river’s course. The reduction of organic pollution of the Smortawa river at investigated transect was observed. Between km 9+676 and km 8+030, where the river bed is natural, wide, and rich in water plants, self-purification processes occurred significantly better than at the altered stretch. ...

Mgr inż. Magdalena Medwecka-Szklanna

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Mgr inż. Anna Dzikowska

Hydromorphological valorization of the Bystrzyca river

Hydromorphological valorization according to Water Framework Directive is an element of support biological evaluation of surface water's ecological state. Ecological state of rivers is connected with number and diversity of species that live in them. Biodiversity of aqueous environment is depended on changes occurring in the river environment characteristics what is mostly connected with riverbeds conversions. In this article present the results of hydromorphological valorization of section of The Bystrzyca River below Mietkowskie Lake together with its old bed. Artificially built drop channel that carries away water from the reservoir (1,4 km), old riverbed (2,2 km) which had conducted water before the dam was built and the section of river that was created by the connection of new section with The Bystrzyca old riverbed were analysed (1,4 km). The analyzed a total of 25 sections of river, 200 meters each. The naturalness degree of individual sections was evaluated on the basis of Ilnicki and Lewandowski methodology. Ecological evaluation criteria have taken into consideration riverbed morphology, river hydrology, water quality, tree cover, aquatic and banks vegetation, riparian zone and the valley land management. From conducted research follows that with increasing the distance from the reservoir the naturalness category of The Bystrzyca ...

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Ilnicki

Dr inż. Krzysztof Górecki

Dr Mirosław Grzybowski

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Dr inż. Piotr Lewandowski

Dr inż. Mariusz Sojka

Monitoring and assessment of hydromorphological elements in polish rivers

The main ideas of a new MHR method for hydromorphological river survey and assessment were presented. It is a combination of the substance of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 and the European standard EN 14614. It takes into account the existing polish data basis, regulations from the Minister of Environ-ment, the Inspire and Reporting directives and the existing experience completed in the Central European countries by the monotoring and assessment of hydro-morphological elements in the last 25 years. The method is strength on the works done in Poland for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.The hydromorphological river assessment uses a hierarchic system which allows for the calculation of the ecological quality index. The system's basis is built by four elements: hydrological regime, river continuity, river morphology and the valley. Every element is described by some parameters and these by selected attributes. The separately calculated ecological quality index of elements and parameters allows to discover why the good ecological status was not obtained. The average index for all elements is the index of the water body. The investigations are based on existing topographical and orthophoto maps, data basis of the Institute for Meteorology and Water Management and the river ...

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Ilnicki

Dr inż. Krzysztof Górecki

Dr Mirosław Grzybowski

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Dr inż. Piotr Lewandowski

Dr inż. Mariusz Sojka

Methodical conditions of the ecological status assessment of rivers on the basis of their hydromorphological elements

The Water Framework Directive requires all member states to make an as-sessment of the ecological status in natural, heavely modified and artificial water bodies. The evaluation includes biological elements, physico-chemical compounds of the water and hydromorphological elements (hydrological regime, river conti-nuity, river morphology and valley). In 2009 the Central Inspectorate of Environ-ment Protection in Warsaw accepted a new method of monitoring of the hydro-morphological elements in rivers (MHR), prepared by the authors. The MHR method involves the investigation of main rivers in all Polands (4508) identified water bodies, with a total length of about 75 000 km. This required a review of the investigation methods developed by polish and other member states in 1980-2000. Many international and local regulations, the accessibility of topographic and thematic maps in different scales, as well as data bases for rivers and canals were analysed. The possibility of preparation of different methods for rivers with different catchment areas, in different landscapes, categories and substrate types were studied. The methods used for the assessment of biological elements was examined and shown not to provide adequate information for the investigation of the hy-dromorphological elements. The assessment was based on the characterization of four elements which were ...

Dr inż. Mariusz Adynkiewicz-Piragas

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Mgr inż. Krzysztof Tarnawski

Mgr inż. Tomasz Wróblewski

Charakteristic and diversity hydromorphological parameters on lowland river for example Smortawa river

The Smortawa River, the right-hand sided tributary of the Odra River, is a typical lowland river which sources are located at 175 m a.s.l. south-east from town Namysłów. The mouth is located in km223–350 of Odra River, on 124 m a.s.l. near town Jelcz. In the lower and upper course the river is improved and in the middle course it has kept its natural character. At present according to Water Frame Directive and Polish Water Law we are obliged to create an assessment of ecological state of rivers. One of elements of this assessment is the analysis of hydromorphological parameters variability as supporting parameters for biological assessment. In the article the characteristic of hydromorphological parameters by polish methods of Ilnicki and Lewandowski are are introduced. They describe the changes of these parameters on every separete research section. Moreover with the help of the probability analysis by the Ward method, the similarity is estimated among studied hydromorphological parameters. ...