Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Dr inż. Mirosław Wiatkowski

Prognosis of sediment inflow to Włodzienin retention reservoir on river Troja

Paper concerns the Włodzienin retention reservoir on river Troja located in Opole Province. Main function of this reservoir is flood protection and agricultural irrigatin. Reservoir capacity at NPP is equal 4 mln m3, and flood surface 86 ha. At present construction of this reservoir is near, and start of tankage is foreseen towards the end of current year. The authors presented on the paper prognosis of sediment inflow to reservoir. Calculations showed that this reservoir has been deposited after about 100 years. ...

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Dr inż. Mirosław Wiatkowski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Czamara

Estimation of sediment transport flowing to Mściwojów reservoir

Paper presents results of measurements and analyses of sediment transport flowing to the water small Mściwojów reservoir. Measurements of suspended and bed load transport on two tributaries (stream Zimnik and Wierzbiak) to this reservoir showed that annually it gets to this one about 167 T of sediment. Part of suspended load in total transport is about 97%. From the self bathymetry author’s studies follows that this reservoir is better intensively silted up, mainly in settling tanks and pre-dams. It causes the continuous reduction of its storage and shows on further necessity operation of the bathymetry reservoir bowl measurements and quantity, and kind of flowing sediment. The last studies at Mściwojów reservoir showed that it has been partly elutriated in part, where are the settling tank, and dumps have been deposited in its region. ...

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Prof. dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Parzonka

Prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Bartnik

Dr inż. Andrzej Strużyński

Characteristic of channel processes in the border Odra in the frame of Ist meander

Paper concerns the investigations of riverbed sediments in the meandering sector of the Border Odra, In the frame of meander I. As a result of fluvial processes the Odra riverbed is exposed to deformations, leading to often changes of the river itinerary. In the historical time, many meander breaks were registered, the last in 1967 (Meander IV) and in 1997 (Meander I). In the old river bed the discharge is gradually decreasing and the substantial part of the discharge is flowinging through the new channel. It leads to gradual silting of the old river part. The intensive formation of bars and of islands is observed. In the upper part of the old meander, mainly the bed load is deposed, and in the middle and lower part – the suspended load. The superficial part of the layer (cover) is exposed to the formation of pavement. The size of the pavement cover is equal 8,4–9,8 cm, and the granulometry of the lower layer (20–40 cm) equal to d50 = 2,3–2,9 cm. The islands formed by fine sediments were covered in 3-4 years by intensive vegetation (trees and bushes). This process causes an important decreasing of flow velocity in the old channel. The ...

Dr hab. inż. Marian Mokwa

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Doc. dr hab. Wiesław Wiśniewolski

Laboratory research program of the electric--electronic barrier application of ichtiofauna protection

Paper concerns show of laboratory experiment program of the electricelectronic barrier application ingoing to Electronic Deterrent Fish System to its protection against negative influence of hydrotechnical facilities. Investigations have been performed at Hydraulic Laboratory of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, and will be tend towards determination of optimal technical parameters of the tested facilities for specified hydraulic conditions within the water plants. The Union Water Instruction and national controls determined requirements fish protection of inland waters. Free two-environment fish migration in canalized rivers can be realised by water plant modernization based on construction of fish passes friendly for environmental and assembly of electricelectronic facilities as barriers. In our opinion these barriers should be enable fish migration upwards and downwards, and its localization and construction should be secure simpler passage across fish passes. This publication has been coasted from the research project means No. 00029-61535-OR0100002/06 on “Efficiency studies of the facilities to control of fish behaviour at inlets to water intakes and fish passes”, realised by Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. This project is financed by European Union and national budget in frame of Sectorial Operating System on “Fishery and Fish processing 2004-2006”. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Parzonka

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Dr inż. Robert Głowski

Estimation of the degradation of the middle Odra river bed and programme of the restoration works

The degradation of the Odra river bed is observed mainly below each last barrage of the channelized river sector Koźle - Wrocław. The mean river bed level is decreasing of some 4-8 cm yearly, causing the corresponding drop so of water surface in the river as of the ground water level in the valley. This degradation causes great problems so for navigation, as for agriculture and environment. The construction of successives last barrages Wrocław (1897), Rędzin (1922) and Brzeg Dolny (1958) had only a temporary effect. Below each of these barrages the river bed erosion continued, concerning a river reach of some 50-60 km. In 1994 Parzonka has proposed the conception of the "feeding" of the Odra just below the new barrage Malczyce (km 300,0), entering in action probably in 2012. The ad-ministration has decided in 2008, that this barrage can enter in work only after the accomplishment of important restoration works, taking in account the needs of environment, of navigation and agriculture and of the human population. The programme of restoration works provides two steps:- Step I: the elevation of the Odra bed level on the sector Malczyce-Ścinawa (km 300 - km 335) minimum by the half on the eroded ...

Dr inż. Robert Głowski

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Prof. dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Parzonka

The preliminary analysis of silting conditions of the storage reservoir Otmuchów localised in upland region

The authors performed the preliminary analysis of the silting conditions of the reservoir Otmuchów. The specific of this reservoir is it's geographic localiza-tion in catchment and hydrotechnic functions. The reservoir Otmuchów-Nysa cascade is localized in the middle sector of the Nysa Kłodzka river in south-west, upland region of the Opole District. The main characteristic of the amount of se-diments settled in the reservoir, the physical sediment properties for different re-servoir zones are presented. The authors have also analyzed the silting conditions in this reservoir, and the changes of the reservoir capacit.     ...

Mgr inż. Paweł Bobrowski

Mgr inż. Piotr Trybuś

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Modelling of water outlet through hypothetical dam break in dam of the Rzymówka reservoir

The work concerns analyses of the water outlet through the hypothetical dam break in the dam of the dry reservoir „Rzymówka" on the river Kaczawa, which is currently in the project. One analysed two variants of dam erosion: overflowing water through the dam crest (variant 1) and hydraulic piping (variant 2). In the modeling one took into account different breach parameters based on parametric methods. The results of numerical simulation shows, that in case of the overflowing water through the dam crest will arise the dam break about width 74-78 m, and the duration of washing will be 0,8-2,1 h. However, if the dam break will be created as the result of the hydraulic piping, width would carry out 75 m. Magnitude of the water outflow through the gap has estimated on level 2337-2597 m3/s for variant 1 and 1590-2492 m3/s for variant 2. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Parzonka

Dr inż. Robert Głowski

Dr inż. Robert Kasperek

Flow capacity estimation of the upper Odra valley between Chałupki and Olza mouth

The Upper Odra valley on sector between Chałupki (km 20,0) and Olza mouth (km 28,0) is subject of deformations caused by natural factors and by human activity. This sector constitutes the border river between Poland and Czech Republic. Seven unique meanders exist here. The I-st and the IV-th meander have been broken during the floods in 1997 and 1967. Together with road bridge (km 20,530) they constitute three critical places with regard to flow capacity of Odra valley in its upper course. The problem of the border between both states Poland and Chech Republic on this sector is still not solved, what causes serious lawful and economic complications. The studied sector is distinguished by intensive bank erosion and sedimentation. The dynamic of Odra morphological processes is high here, so changes of water course as well as shape of the riverbed are very indicative. At present, the new channels formed within the meanders I i IV are characterized by the rapid flow caused by the high bed slope. From the authors’ studies it follows, that the old river branches permit to pass only a small percentage of the average discharge. Great outwashes, islands and dense vegetation within the meanders cause a ...