Dr inż. Jolanta Dąbrowska

Evaluation of the content of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the waters of Trzemna river

The study presents the characteristics of the catchment of Trzemna (Ciemna) River from the point of view of the likelihood of appearance and migration of biogenes. A climatological, hydrological and soil characteristics was prepared. Agricultural changes as well as changes in the water and sewage management system and waste management were analysed. Basing on the analyses of WIOŚ the author evaluated, among others, the changes in the concentration of total nitrogen, nitrates, total phosphorus and phosphates in the last few years. The changes in the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in the waters of Trzemna River were evaluated, taking into consideration the natural environment, as well as social and economic changes. The water of the Trzemna River, what is characteristic of it, has high phosphorus and nitrogen concentration. The highest concentration of nitrates is marked from January to May, in the period of rich plants growth it lowers visibly. In the cross-section of Szkudła the nitrate nitrogen form dominates, below the reservoir Gołuchów the concentration of organic and ammonium nitrogen raises, in the cross-section of Tursko, which is situated below the sewage drop from the treatment plant in Gołuchów, nitrates are less than 50% of the total nitrogen, noticeably, the ...

Dr inż. Jolanta Dąbrowska

Preliminary sedimentation pond with a biological filter and its influence on value changes of chosen physicochemical water parameters

The article presents the results of an investigation concerning the influence of a preliminary sedimentation pond with a biological filter on value changes of chosen physicochemical water parameters in the Wierzbiak River, which feeds a water reservoir in Mściwojów.A preliminary sedimentation pond with biological filter is part of a pre-liminary pond. It consists of three chambers of different depth, where the central one is planted with reed (Phragmites australis) and functions as a biological filter, where the processes of water purification take place.The investigation was conducted between June and October 2008. In the samples of water collected every second week, concentration of nitrates and phos-phates was marked. Directly, in the testing ground, the temperature, conductivity and pH were measured. In the samples of bottoms and reed, concentration of ni-trogen, phosphorus and dry matter were marked. The results of the investigation suggest a significant decrease of nitrates concentration and an increase of temperature in water flowing out the sedimenta-tion pond. In the majority of cases a reduction of phosphates concentration in the sedimentation pond was noticed. The water flow through the pond does not influ-ence pH value.     ...

Dr inż. Jolanta Dąbrowska

Dr Krzysztof Lejcuś

Characteristics of selected properties of superabsorbents

This study presents the analysis of basic properties of selected superabsor-bents. The main objective was to determine the real absorption level, which is cru-cial for the accurate selection of such dosage of superabsorbent that would result in expected increase in crops and would be cost efficient at the same time. The in-fluence of grain size distribution, type of superabsorbent, temperature and the presence of ions in the water on the volume of absorption and the course of the absorption processwere determined,. in order to supplement the information pro-vided by manufacturers and authors of scientific publications. Due to the wide range of applications of superabsorbents there are no accurate data on their properties for specific applications. For the analyzed Aquasorb superabsorbents (3005 KS, KM and KL) the best absorption results were achieved for medium grain sizes, not for small grain sizes as stated by the manufacturer, due to the formation of clumps that prevented small particles to heave quickly - some of the particles trapped inside such clumps could participate in the absorption process only to a limited extent. The tests conducted in demineralized water with superabsorbents of a similar grain size distribution but different chemical composition - Aquaterra and Aquasorb ...

Dr inż. Jolanta Dąbrowska

Dr Krzysztof Lejcuś

Characteristics of bottom sediments of the Dobromierz reservoir

The study presents the results of tests on the bottom sediments of the Do-bromierz Reservoir. The reservoir was put into operation in 1986; it is used as flood reservoir and drinkable water reservoir. It is located in the northern part of the catchment of Strzegomka river.In the bottom sediment samples the following substances were determined: nitrates, nitrites, ammonium nitrogen, organic nitrogen, phosphates, and phos-phorus. The authors also conducted microbiological analyses of the collected se-diments. Cultures of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria were started. The sediments were analyzed with use of electron microscope. A series of photographs documenting the composition of the sediments were taken. The test results enable us to claim that the grain size distribution of the se-diments is equivalent to that of silty loam and silty clay loam. The mineralogical composition is dominated by silicates and aluminosilicates - bottom sediments of the Dobromierz reservoir can be classified to the silicate category. The process of denitrification takes place in the sediments. Significantly higher content of phos-phates was found in the bottom sediment than in the benthic waters. The difference in the content in benthic waters and in the sediments causes internal phosphorus loading. During the analyzed period, this process did ...

Dr Mieczysław Chalfen

Dr inż. Jolanta Dąbrowska

Dr inż. Tadeusz Molski

Seepage conditions in new projected and modernized antiflood embankment of Odra river at Kozanow

Antiflow screens are often used to improve seepage conditions through earth hydrotechnique constructions. Mathematical researches of seepage allowed, during project works, to estimate these construction components efficiency and establish useful variant for protecting safety of new projected and modernized antiflood embankment Odra river at Kozanów. Increase seepage coefficient from 0 to 0.1 md-1 cause flow increase by 15–75% for homogeneous and by 60–200% for anhomogeneous cross-section. Otherwise, increase thickness of earth screen from 0,25 to 1,00 m cause flow decrease by 10-30% for homogeneous and by 30–100% for anhomogeneous cross-section. ...

Dr inż. Joanna Markowska

Dr inż. Jolanta Dąbrowska

Dr inż. Olgierd Kempa

Regulation of the legal status of land plots taken by rivers – based on selected examples from the catchment of Biała Lądecka

Biała Lądecka (51,8 km) is the right-side tributary of Nysa Kłodzka, and these two rivers together with Bystrzyca, Bystrzyca Dusznicka and Jaszkówka create the main network of the part of catchment of Nysa Kłodzka located in the region of Ziemia Kłodzka. The river is supplied by mountain streams, which results in violent reactions to short-term, stormy rainfalls. The rain depth during the flood in 1997, from the 5th to the 8th of July, in the catchment of Biała Lądecka was 350 mm. When soil retention capacity is fully used, the water rise in this area lasts usually for a few hours from the moment of beginning of rainfall, and the rate of water flow is so high that the masses of flowing water often cause damages to the river valley. Due to the strong tendency to develop the valley of Biała Lądecka, the damages in this area are increasing. In recent years, over ten bankful flows and floods that occurred in the analyzed area have caused significant damage and changes in the river bed and valley - including permanent taking of land plots by flowing water.This study discusses the geodetic and legal aspects related to land plots taken by flowing ...