Dr inż. Antoni Grzywna

Dr Danuta Urban

Use of natural and production valorization concept on an example of river Ochoża valley

The research presents the attempt of natural and production valorization of melioration object Ochoża. It is aimed to evaluate the anthropogenic transformation effects and current swamp habitat. At current valorization, these habitats were considered as corrected taking into account the soil process, soil formation and humidity level. There are soil types: peat-mursh, mineral-mursh, gley and chernozems. Potential valorization results were based on an idea of prognostic humidity-soil complexes. Phytosociological records serving for natural valorization were made within valley bottom. Evaluation of habitat’s current agricultural value for peat-mursh soil corresponds to III bonitation class. There are soil-ecological units classified to V bonitation class with very low efficiency and performance value of the sward on the other part of the object. Area of river Ochoża is of moderate natural value, which results from the simplification and generalization of valorization procedure as well as management of part of valley bottom and long-term soil drying. ...

Dr inż. Wiwiana Szalińska

Dr Danuta Urban

Dr Irena Otop

An attempt to estimate the precipitation value causing summer floods in the middle Odra basin

Evaluation of the precipitation value causing summer floods in the Middle Odra basin was done on the basis of daily precipitation totals within the period of 1971–2005 recorded at 53 precipitation stations. The critical value of precipitation was searched among the values of 5-days precipitation totals with the probability of exceeedance (p) of 10% and lower. The functional relationships between precipitation values of the given p and the altitude of the stations were identified. They were used to estimate the range of precipitation values of given p for the altitude layers. For each year a number of 5-days precipitation totals of the following p: >10%, [10% – 5%), [5% – 2%), [2% – 1%), [1% – 0,1%), ≤ 0,1% was calculated. Arranging the obtained results by the number of events of p≤1% let to designate the years of the severe and extended floods in the middle Odra basin. While analyzing the relationship between mean areal value of precipitation and the number of critical precipitation incidences, the values of precipitation causing moderate and severe risk of summer flood were estimated. ...