Dr Michał Kupiec

Mgr inż. Anna Adamkiewicz

Landscape changes on Tywa river valley in xixth and xxth century

Tywa river valley, located in western part of Szczecińska Plain, flows through moraine areas of Myśiborskie Lakeland and Wełtyń Plain. River valley has high slope values and denivelations, so many hydrotechnical objects were located here in the past. There were no intensive other river regulations and melioration, so valley has still high biocenotical value. Analysis of landuse changes in riverine valley are presented in this paper, as well as analysis of changes directions and patch statistics. Archival topographical maps from 19th and 20th c. were used for preparation of landuse digital maps. ...

Dr Michał Kupiec

Dr hab. Paweł Robert Pieńkowski

Topographical features and streams profiles analysis for Bukowe Hills catchment

Bukowe Hills region, located in Nizina Szczecińska Plan is characterised by complicated hypsometric and geological composition. Heights reach 80-140 m, with denivelations often more than 60m. Complex of small nearly mountain catchments, with maximum area of 5 km2 drains researched region. Characteristic horizontal sections of longitudinal profiles are interesting feature of selected hydrological systems, originated from short period stages of deglaciation. Topographical characteristics of selected catchments were derived from DEM, prepared on basis of topographical maps. Longitudinal profiles of streams and slope maps were analyzed also. ...