Dr inż. Marek Kalenik

Numerical model to describing the humidity distributions in ground under subsurface sewage disposal field

In the article were presented, research methods and analysis of obtained research results the humidity distributions in ground under subsurface sewage di-sposal field from the physical model and the numerical model. To the research of the humidity of ground, in the laboratory was con-structed a physical model of the subsurface sewage disposal field which was an object of area investigates. [Kalenik 2002]. This model consisted of two independent frame systems: stand of the ground tank and the bed, after which the cart moved with installed appliances to measurements of the humidity of ground. Dimensions lump of ground being in a tank of ground are the following: length – 113 cm, height – 56 cm, breadth – 5 cm. To measurement humidity apply microwave appliance, acting in support about principle simultaneous measurement change amplitude and phase wave electromagnetic, which go through examine points of the profile ground. The applied method to research, she is fast, accurate and repeated, because she doesn't require structure was destroyed of investigated ground. To construction of the numerical model was used a software worked out through Z. Srokę and ...

Dr inż. Marek Kalenik

Milena Wancerz

Research of sewage treatment in mean sand with assist layer with chalcedonite - laboratory scale

The efficiency of sewage treatment in the ground bed under the subsurface sewage disposal field was tested in laboratory conditions using synthetic sewage. The ground bed was composed of mean sand and mean sand with assist layer with chalcedonite. The experiment determined the following indicators: suspended solids, BOD5, COD, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, total phosphorus and pH. In the sewage filtered through the ground bed of mean sand as well as through mean sand with assist layer with chalcedonite, increase in the values of nitrite nitrogen and pH was observed. The values other indicators of the treated sewage, was undergo a decrease. The suspended solids, BOD5, COD, total nitro-gen, total phosphorus of the treated sewage, are meeting obligatory standards. The ground bed with mean sand with assist layer with chalcedonite is characterized by a better effectiveness of sewage treatment. ...

Dr inż. Marek Kalenik

Mgr inż. Dariusz Morawski

The experimential research on the turbidity and effectiveness of aerating water in pipe aerator with the Białecki rings

This article presents an analysis of results of the research on the turbidity and oxygen content in water after the pipe aerator. Turbidity and oxygen content in water, measurements was conducted in conditions of technical exploitation of water treatment plant. The research embraced the pipe aerator with the Białecki rings which was made of stainless steel about the diameter of 12 mm. It was found that together with the growth of the flow of air at the given flow of water, the content of oxygen in water and her turbidity is increasing proportionally. However together with the growth of the flow of water at the given flow of air, the content of oxygen in water and her turbidity is decreasing. ...

Dr inż. Piotr Wichowski

Dr inż. Marek Kalenik

Dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Siwiec

Mgr inż. Dariusz Morawski

Determine of linear losses coefficients in PE and PVC pipes used in the pressure sewage system

To designing of the pressure sewage systems, built of pipes PE and PVC, essential are hydraulic calculations, which would consider physical properties of sewage. In the applying norm [PN-EN 1671 2001], missing right formulae which would consider these properties. In connection with it, in this article, remained introduced methodology and results of experimental researches, which was a pur-pose, determine empirical relation for calculate linear losses coefficients in pipes PE and PVC, during the pressure flow sewages. Showed that the flow of sewage had character in pipes of PVC and PE of flow in pipes hydraulic smooth, and linear losses coefficients s determined from experimental research in pipes of PVC and PE is taking comparable value, which in the range for the recommended speed v are bigger to value sBlasius calculated from the Blasiusa formula.     ...

Dr inż. Piotr Wichowski

Dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Siwiec

Dr inż. Marek Kalenik

Mgr inż. Dariusz Morawski

Tests of the application range of Colebrook-White formula for the calculation of linear hydraulic resistance in pressure sewage systems

The article compares linear hydraulic losses calculated from Colebrook-White, Prandtl-Karman and Blasius formulas with the measured on a test pressure in pipelines with the diameter of 63, 75 and 90 mm, made of PVC and PE. The pipelines were arranged in loops through which flew sewage with the suspension contents of about 460mg/dm3. As a result of the tests it was established that the accuracy of the Colebrook-White formula is higher than that of Prandtl-Karman and Blasius formulas (the only exception being the diameter of PVC63). However, it does not reflect properly the character of changes of linear pressure losses that accompany the increase of the speed. This character is better reflected by formulas for hydraulically smooth pipes, particularly by the Prandtl-Karman formula. Differences between values measured and calculated for the tested scope of diameters and speeds do not exceed 10%. In most cases, however, the calculated values are smaller than the measured ones.     ...