Dr inż. Tadeusz Gargula

GPS vector network adjustment on the projection plane of local coordinate system

The natural space of mathematical development of a GPS vector network is the global geocentric system WGS84. If necessary to integrate the conventional and satellite measurements, a more appropriate solution is to bring the GPS vector network onto the plane of the local projection and to adjust it as a horizontal network. One problem may be a suitable preparation of GPS pseudo-observations on the plane. In this work there is presented the complete calculation algorithm to transform the original GPS vectors to form a pseudo-vectors in the plane of "2000" system. There is also enclosed a numerical example based on the results of a periodic control measurement of the landslide area. The results obtained (the horizontal coordinates adjusted in the "2000" system) have been next compared to both the results of original GPS network adjustment and the results of the classical terrestrial measurement.     ...

Dr inż. Tadeusz Gargula

Functional models to adjustment of periodic measurements in determining the land surface movements

Determination of movements of the land surface or technical objects is rea-lized by means of geodetic measurement methods. This task consists in numerical processing the results of the series of periodic measurements. The paper presents two proposals for the determination of movements. The first of these amounts to the total adjustment of all the observations taking the time of their performance into consideration. The second, alternative method is based on the setting up of the functional model for the observation differences. The presented theoretical rela-tionships (exact functional compounds) have been supported by numerical example that allows someone to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed solutions. ...