Prof. dr hab. inż. Artur Radecki-Pawlik

Mgr inż. Renata Jasek

Mgr inż. Karol Plesiński

Changes of hydraulic parameters in the braided river – the Ochotnica river in the Gorce Mountains

Along the paper, the research on chosen hydrodynamic parameters in braided river was described. The research was conducted within the reach of the Ochotnica River in the Gorce Mountains - Polish Carpathians. The research reach was located in the place where two bars in the river were created. In 2003 and 2004 measurements were done in 7 series. Values of flow velocities were measured in the river reach and then shear stresses, dynamic velocities, Reynolds and Froude numbers and Shields parameters were calculated. Analysis of hydro-dynamics parameters allowed to check the hydrodynamic conditions in the river channel. The results show that in the Ochotnica River natural braiding processes are taking place despite of anthropological pressure on the river. ...