Dr Krystyna Bryś

Solar energy absorption and emission trough selected agriculture surfaces

There is analyzed plant cover impact on the differentiation of agriculture surfaces net radiation. Two contrasting surfaces: grass and bare soil are taken to consideration. There analysed data were collected from actinometrical measure-ments in 2009 in the Wroclaw-Swojec Agro- and Hydrometeorology Observatory belonging to Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. There are used data from permanent registration of flux intensity of: global solar radiation K, reflected solar radiation K, incoming long-wave radiation L and outgoing long-wave radiation L. Contrasting physical and biological features of considered agriculture surfaces have an important influence on the differentiation of their radiation properties (absorption and emission). As a result there are legible differences in synchronically values of measured radiation parameters from these surfaces. The analysis were concentrated on showing these differences and their reason. Particular attention is paid on differences in daily and monthly global solar radiation averages and their the most important components. Topoclimatic effects of these radiation differences were discussed.     ...