Dr inż. Edward Sawiłow

Dr inż. Małgorzata Akińcza

The use of the theory of the modelling for needs of the general valuation of real estates

In the article one introduced the use of the theory of the modelling to the estimation of cadastral values for needs of the qualification of the basis of taxa-tion with the tax from the value real estate. In the research one embraced three precincts of information, situated in the southern part of Wroclaw. The base of the construction of models of the value real estates was determined by the register of prices and values of real estate together with the numeric map. One carried out the essential and statistical analysis of transactional prices contracted in the reg-ister of prices and values real estate. One performed the actualization of prices according to the metameric lineal function of the regress. To the construction of models one applied modified models of the general valuation of real estate worked out within the framework of the project of the sys-tem of the general valuation of the real estates, being a component of the Integra-tive Platform Electronic, realized within the framework of the project "the Crea-tion of the Integrated System Cadastral", performed in the interest of The Principal Office of the Geodesy and the Cartography. Apart from these methods one applied to the qualification of ...