Dr Jadwiga Treder

The effect of irrigation regime and initial tuber weight on growth and flowering of calla lily ‘Black eyed beauty’ and ‘Treasure’

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effects two irrigation regimes (soil suction -15 and -30 kPa) and different tuber weights on flower quality and tuber yield of Zantedeschia ‘Black Eyed Beauty' and ‘Treasure' grown in green-house during spring-summer season. Before planting tubers were sorted according to their initial weight to four groups: A (35 g), B (70 g), C (100 g) and D (150 g). Plant were grown in 3 or 5 L containers, groups A and B or C and D, respectively. After leaf unfolding plants were irrigated at two soil suction level: - 15 and - 30 kPa, according to "Watermark" sensors placed inside the containers. Irrigation significantly influenced growth and flowering of Zantedeschia. It was shown that irrigation at - 30 kPa delayed flowering time and decreased flower yield, especially in case of ‘Black Eyed Beauty'. Flowers had lower fresh weight and were shorter. The cultivar ‘Treasure' gave higher yield than ‘Black Eyed Beauty'. Water stress negatively influenced tuber growth of both calla lily cultivars. The index of tuber growth strongly decreased with increasing the initial tuber weight at planting, however it was lower for plants irrigated at - 30 kPa. The results clearly ...

Dr Jadwiga Treder

Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Mgr Anna Borkowska

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Influence of irrigation controlling systems on growth and flowering of gerbera

The experiment concerning irrigation controlling of gerbera cultivated in containers was done in 2012. Usually gerbera plants cultivated for cut flower production are irrigated using drippers. Correct adjustment of plant fertigation of plants grown in pots (volume and frequency of application) strongly influenced physical and chemical paramertes of growing media, plant productivity, flower quality. The systems controlling irrigation should also have the possiblity to prevent excessive leaching of nutrient solution during the period when plants requirements decreased due to unfavorable weather conditions. The aim of the experiment was to compare the effects of three methods of controlling irrigation on growth and flowering of gerbera ‘Surabaja' cultivated in containers (2 dm-3). The water consumption and leaching in each irragation treatment was also evaluated. Irrigation control systems were as follows: I - con-trol (irrigation 3 times a day, irrespectively of weather conditions, II - automatically controlled irrigation, according to water sensor readings in growing medium), III - automatically controlled irrigation according continuous readings of plant weight (all plants placed on special balance connected with irrigation controller). The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the precise control of irrigation of gerbera plants using specially designed balance, according to plant requirements and environment ...