dr hab. , prof.UP Beata Raszka

Dr inz. Maria Hełdak

Dr inż. Jakub Szczepański

Mgra inż. Ciechosław Patrzałek


The aim of this work is to show the possibilities of using laser scanner in ecosystems preservation on the stage of making spatial planning decisions. The laser technique of automatic measurement enabled us to get measurable and fully objective spot elevation model very quickly. Received scan was converted into spatial model by adding texture and later on merging increments of development in their natural surroundings. The visualization created can be very helpful when choosing the best option of land development; moreover, it can help protecting the land from investments leaving it in its original shape. For the purpose of the research supporting ecosystems preservation, two chosen objects, located in Sobótka (Sobótka commune) and Maniów Mały (Mietków commune), were diagnosed. Field investigations were conducted in the years 2011-2012. It was concluded that the afforestation of one of the investigated area according to the existing regional policy would block the view on the Zbiornik Mietkowski dam coping. ...

Dr inz. Maria Hełdak

dr hab. , prof.UP Beata Raszka

Water protection of the Bystrzyca river in the spatial policy of communes within the Wrocław district

The study aims at presenting the spatial policy of communes located along the course of the river Bystrzyca in the Wrocław district, with regard to the protec-tion of the environmental values of the watercourse. The documents analysed in-clude the studies of determinants and directions for the spatial management applied in the Mietków, Kąty Wrocławskie and Sobótka communes. The articles were studied with regard to identifying the values of the natural environment with special emphasis on water resources, protecting the aquatic environment, and further directions for water protection. The study also focuses on the planned spatial development for investment in the vicinity of the Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park as well as within its area, with regard to the area planned for investment. ...