Mgr inż. Natalia Sajnóg

Prof. nzw. dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Sobolewska-Mikulska


The characteristic feature of the transmission infrastructure is its course over numerous properties of diversified protection status (arable lands, forest lands, Natura 2000 sites, national and landscape parks, historical areas, urban areas, areas threatened by floods). Considering this, as well as the fact that in Poland arable and forest lands cover about 91% of the entire country, and the Natura 2000 network covers about 20% of lands, it should be stated that the level of impacts of transmission installations on the agricultural space is considerably high. The objective of this paper is to analyse impacts of power lines (of high and very high voltages) on the agricultural space at the stage of investments implementation and exploitation of transmission installations. ...

Mgr inż. Natalia Sajnóg

Technical infrastructure relation to media transmission and distribution and its area bands

Continuous social and economic development of a country is associated with providing basic needs like electricity, fuel, gas, water, heat etc. Technical infrastructure connected with media transmission and distribution similar to a transport infrastructure has become a fundamental human need, required for public purposes. Taking into consideration its linear character, both the existing infrastructure and the new one, regarding a large number of properties, limiting or preventing execution afforded full rights to these properties. Therefore there is a necessity to define areas connected with transmission and distribution line infrastructure, and all of these, in a light of the youngest limited property right - transmission easement. The purpose of this paper is the division of technical infrastructure connected with media transmission and distribution in view of its occurrence in the real estate space, range and availability for potential customers as well as registration in the geodesy and cartography regulations. In the study have been indicated also the area bands of land associated with the transmission and distribution line infrastructure, depending on its technical parameters and the way of a appearance in the real estate space.     ...

Mgr inż. Natalia Sajnóg

Mgr inż. Justyna Wójcik

Possibilities of developing degraded and unculitivated lands in land consolidaton

The purpose of the paper is to present terminology and definitions of degraded and uncultivated lands as well as pointing of the possibilities of their alternative development. It's worth stressing that the suggested land development changes should result from the predestination of a given area to fulfill certain goals as well as be in accordance with rules of law. In the research part of the paper on the basis of two consolidated objects the analyzed areas have been identified and it has been determined how the as-sumptions about the project refer to the selected areas in the light of the proposed changes of their former use. ...