Prof. dr hab. Leszek Orlikowski

Mgr Magdalena Ptaszek

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Utilization of plant baits for detection of soilborne pathogens from water and horticultural substrata

Utilisation of plants or their parts for detection of Phytophthora from soil and water was the interesting object in the second part of XX century. Using of fruits, seedlings, seeds of different plant species gave possibility to detect the most dangerous pathogens. In this study the effectiveness of rhododendron leaves as the bait for detection of Phytophthora, Cylindrocladium scoparium, formae spec. of Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani from water and horticultural substrate was estimated. During the detection of Phytophthora from river, canal and water container rhododendron top leaves were placed on the surface of water and after 4-5 days number of necrotic spots/leaf was estimated. Parts of necrotic spots were transplanted on PDA medium for isolation and identification of species. In the detection of other species from substrate, rhododendron leaves were placed in the water suspension of soil and after 3-5 day-incubation number of necrotic spots /leaf was calculated. The necrotic spot parts were transferred on PDA medium for isolation and identification of fungal species. Results obtained indicated on rhododendron leaves as satisfactory bait for detection of the most dangerous pathogens from water and soil. The method is easy for application and may be used for all year ...

Mgr Magdalena Ptaszek

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Orlikowski

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Contamination of watercourses and water reservoirs by Phytophthora species

Qualification of Phytophthora by Zentmayer as the destructive factor for plants indicates on that group of pathogens as very dangerous. Results obtained from previous studies showed on Phytophthora species as the threat of all group of plants growing in open field, under covering and natural ecosystem. Phytophthora spp. were detected in all analyzed water sources such as water reservoirs and canals localized in nurseries and in rivers flowing through horticulture, agriculture and forest areas. Results of the studies indicate on P. plurivora, P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. lacustris and P. megasperma as the dominant species in Polish watercourses and reservoirs. Obtained results confirmed the pathogenicity of Phytophthora isolates received from different water sources ...

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Dr hab. Jadwiga Treder

Dr hab. Bożena Matysiak

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Orlikowski

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Małgorzata Czajka

Sustainable irrigation of ornamental nurseries - the main assumptions of Irrinurs project

Poland has one of the smallest fresh water resources in Europe. Due to variability of Polish climate, irrigation became an indispensable element of intensive horticultural production. Recent study has shown that Polish farmers do not use any criteria to estimate plant water requirements for controlling irrigation, which leads to waste of water and energy. This is because userfriendly technologies enabling rational use of water resources are not easily available. The objective of the project is to develop an effective system for control of irrigation in ornamental nurseries, based on measurements of plant parameters, soil conditions and climatic data. To realize this approache the crop coefficient (k) for several important nursery species should be determined. Also the method of restricted irrigation (Regulated Deficit Irrigation - RDI) to control plant shape and plant quality will be tested on several important nursery cultivars. Additionally quantitative and qualitative evaluation of drainage water originated from container ornamental nurseries will be performed. The technology developed within the project will become the key element of the strategy of rational plant irrigation in ornamental nurseries. This is novel, hitherto not implemented approach to the problem of rational irrigation water use in plant production ...