Dr inż. Anna Bielska

Mgr inż. Agnieszka Turek

Prof. dr hab. Alina Maciejewska

Mgr inż. Karolina Bożym

The issue of agricultural land protection in the process of suburbanization

The purpose of the research was to indicate lands suitable for development on the basis of analysis of soil conditions. It was assumed that in rural areas soil conditions constitute one of the most important factors that influence development and the inevitable city sprawl. Detailed research based on soil-agricultural maps at a scale of 1:5,000 and the base map was effected for the geodetic units of Koprki and Michałówek, Ożarów commune, Western Warsaw poviat. Multi-criteria analysis was performed, on the basis of which the terrains most suitable for development were indicated, taking into consideration land bearing capacity, moisture content, land protection and public transport connections. Similar research for the whole Western Warsaw Poviat was performed afterwards. The analysis was based on data derived from soil-agricultural map at a scale of 1:50,000 and from Topographic Objects Database BDOT 10k. The research showed that due to advantageous location, short distance from Warsaw and good public transport connections arable lands of highest quality and agricultural suitability, protected under the Act on Protection of Forests and Agricultural Lands, are often designated for development. The availability of digital data and GiS tools that facilitate spatial analysis allow to consider various environmental factors that influence the ...

Dr inż. Anna Bielska

Mgr inż. Agnieszka Turek


Continuous economic development and expansion of urbanised land result in changes in land use. The rules of protection of arable and forest land, as well as reclamation and improvement of the useful value of land are regulated by the act of 3 February 1995 on the protection of arable and forest land with further amendments. The act particularly specifies the rules of changes in the purpose of arable and forest land, and rules of exclusion of arable and forest land from production. The change of purpose and exclusion of land from production are two basic legal instruments which must be considered by all entities planning for example conducting building investments on arable and forest land.The article presents the issue of the exclusion of arable land from production in the context of updates of land and building register. The scale of exclusions of land from production in Poland was determined. Detailed research was conducted in the Zwoleński poviat with agricultural character, located in the southern part of the Mazowieckie province. The analysis of the process of exclusion of arable land from production as well as changes in the structure of arable land use in the Zwoleński poviat in the years 2005-2014 ...