The inflence of drip irrigation and agrogel on quality of rootstock Pumiselect® and one -year – old trees of two peach cultivars

The experiment was carried out in 2006-2008 years in the nurseries, in the Experimental Station belonging to Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The aim of present study was to determine the influence of drip ir-rigation and agrogel on the growth of Pumiselect® rootstock in the first year of production and on the quality of maiden trees of ‘Redhaven' and ‘Inka' cvs. peach trees. The drip irrigation was used as a T-tape line with drip emitter lo-cated at every 25 cm in line, about water dose 1,38 l per hour. Irrigation was applied on the base of tensiometer indications. The wet agrogel placed inside a belt of fabric (wide 10 cm), was put on the bottom of furrow (at depth 35 cm) , where the plants were planted. Pumiselect® rootstock as the hard-cuttings were planted at spacing 2 x 0,25 m at the depth 35 cm. The budding was done at the beginning of August by ''chip-budding'' method at 5 cm above the soil. During the experiment: the high, diameter and branching of rootstock and maiden trees was measured. The quality of root system of rootstock was determined too. The preliminary results shown the positive influence of ...

Influence of rootstock and soil conditioner of the growth and yield of young apple trees planted in various places characterized by diverse long-term method of soil management

Intensified production of apples makes a fruit grower establish an orchard immediately after grubbing up an old one. Then, if replanting does not occur, stands for new trees can be significantly affected by soil properties conditioned by a long- term way of its management. Another problem in horticulture is water deficit. Due to diminishing water reserves there is a need to improve sorption capacity of soils. The use of polymer supersorbents provides one of possible solution to the mentioned problem. The aim of the work was the assessment of the effect of a long- term appli-cation of herbicide fallow, black foil, black agrotextile and pine bark in trees rows in an old orchard, on growth and fruiting of apple trees ‘Ligol' planted immediately after grubbing up the old trees. Research also involved potential modification of the above effect caused by rootstock type: M.9, M 26 and P 60, as well as by addi-tionally applied agrogel. The growth and yielding of young trees ‘Ligol', related to a long-term system of soil management in the old orchard, was highly diversified and depended on the type of rootstock and agrogel applied. Yielding of the trees was also connected with the year of cultivation.     ...