Search of spatial capacity indicators in rural areas located within bounda-ries of Natural Landscape Park “Dolina Baryczy” on the example of the municipality of Milicz

Dynamic development of some rural areas creates the necessity to look for tools of its "regulation". Existing planning and strategic tools should be complemented with spatial capacity indicators. The goal of establishing those indicators is assurance of non-deterioration of rural environment conditions, and in the areas of natural value the state of natural environment. They may be helpful in implementation of the idea of sustainable development in rural areas. The possibility of adequate indices assignment depends on long-term systematic and complex data collection in order to follow changes, examine dependencies between indices and find existing regularities. Designation of indices on the basis of analysis of widely available statistic data in not entirely possible. The area of research is the municipality of Milicz where 79,3% of the total area comprises the Natural Landscape Park "Dolina Baryczy". ...