Znaczenie rekultywacji i zagospodarowania gruntów w Polsce w kontekście ochrony środowiska

The article discusses the problems of reclamation and redevelopment of degraded land in Poland. Conducting corrective activities, related to land reclamation, remains the manifestation of care for the environment and has impact on reducing negative human influence on the environment. The measures used for this purpose should compensate for the lost values. Planning any corrective activities in degraded areas should take place at the earliest possible stage for the reclamation processes to function properly. The problems related to degraded and devastated areas, requiring reclamation or reclaimed and later developed, were analyzed in detail based on the available data about the size of degraded areas. Attention was paid to the size of the discussed phenomenon occurrence in order to determine the scale of the problem, having considered its spatial aspect. The conducted analysis also consisted in specifying activities as a result of which the largest degraded area is created, as well as identifying the leading directions of such reclamation. The article presents an attempt to answer the question about the approach towards reclamation activities in recent years in Poland. ...