The main courses of socio-economic development of protected areas by the example of the chęciny town and commune

The article shows a characteristic of nature-economic conditions in the Chęciny commune. The author attempts to describe the main non-agricultural sectors and their role in farther socio-economic development of the commune. The undertaken analysis proves, that the area in multi-functionality. This paper presents some important actual problems that restain the socio-economic development of the Chęciny town and commune. It has proved that rural areas are strongly diverse as regards both conditions and disproportions in social-economic development. The natural and landscape conditions of this region are propitious to development of some forms of rural enterprises. The possibilities of rural areas multifunctional development are connected with using the geographical environment terms and favourable location and also human work resources. Creating the new places of work out of agriculture is an important factor of agriculture restructuring and modernization. The main aim of this paper was also to describe the current stage and the main factors effecting the social-economical development of Chęciny commune. The development of agrotourism and tourism could be an alternative form of activities for rural areas, not only in Chęciny commune. At present the development of agrotourism and tourism is one of the most popular ways of economical restructurisation. The development ...