The technical infrastructure in the Bieszczady mountain areas with the high natural values

The recognition of state of stock with ecological infrastructure of rural mountain areas with high natural values is the aim of investigations. The area covered by investigations creates 8 communes in the Bieszczady Mts. which are including to two administrative districts: Bieszczady and Lesko. The results of investigations were showed that the mountain communes in Bieszczady characterizing by high natural values and they are having the poor technical infrastructure. In 2006 year the water supply system constituted near 2% of total lenght of water supply net in the Podkarpackie province, but the sewage system 1,4%. The lenght of water supply net exceeded the lenght of sewage net. None of communes not reaching the size of indexes describing the technical infrastructure on the mean level established for the Podkarpackie province and for the country. In addition its uneasy fact of untaking the structural funds by investigational communes for improvement the noncomfortable situation. Only the Solina commune has the highest development of water supply and sewage systems among the investigational communes and this commune during 2003-2006 years effective used the union means. We may distinct the positive situation from the point of view of quantity of wastes dangerous for environment and way ...