Impact of the effects of artificial electromagnetic field on measurement results of GEODESIC obtained in RTK technique

In the paper author take into consideration the impact of electromagnetic field to the results of geodetic measurements using the techniques of satellite data acquisition. This publication is the first of the articles thematically related to this issue, which will be published in the near future by the author.The measurements were made in close proximity of overhead line electrifi-cation of the high and medium voltage. In connection with the activity of this line (power flow) - certainly it can be concluded that the studies were carried out in the scope of action of a strong stream of electromagnetic field. The work of the field have been preceded by reconnaissance, which consisted of a number of operations aimed at the selection of the optimal space measuring base assumptions. To measure the tacheometer of database uses the following instruments: Topcon GTS 211D and South NTS 325. Observation satellite method of RTK, were made possi-ble by the set measurement company Topcon in composition, which included a GPS receiver GR-3. Data from measurements have been developed with the use of WinKalk and spreadsheets.The final result of the work carried out was the comparison of the average coordinate RTK and tacheometer measurements. Obtained results are ...