Directions of changes in polish agriculture and its infrastructure

The current situation and predicted socio-economic, technological and ecological changes, which under the influence of scientific progress, implemented Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and globalied food markets will happen in Polish agriculture and its infrastructure by 2030 are presented in the paper. Owing to the progressive integration with the economy and markets of the European Union (EU), further intensified polarization processes and modernisation of farms is perceived accompanied by restructuring of agriculture, agri-food processing industries, production services, rural supply chains and the other infrastructure in rural areas. The future model of agriculture and agrotechnology is shaping, which is characterized by arable area (AL) diminishing to 12M ha, a decreasing number of family commercial farms and smaller agricultural holdings to 400 thousand, diminishing livestock population and number of farms specializing in commercial production of milk, meat, eggs but also sugar beets, potatoes, vegetable and fruit. Crop yield and animal productivity will increase, so despite diminishing AL and livestock population, both the global production and final output of Polish agriculture will be growing annually by between 0.5 and 1.0%. Quantitative and qualitative increase in plant and livestock production will be taking place accompanied by farms and agricultural enterprises switching to the system of ...

The paper presents results of studies conducted in an agricultural village about the types of roofing materials appearing on buildings. Particular attention was given to buildings covered with asbestos. Based on surveys, an inventory of roof surfaces, assessing their technical condition and calculations have shown that in the village up 30.3% of the buildings have coverage of asbestos-cement boards. On 33.8% boards were found occurrence of fungi and moss and cracks that contribute to the release of asbestos fibers into the environment. Own measurements of boards weight were shown that during 17 years of use, the loss of boards weight in the village area in total amounted 3853.82 kg. Were noted a high awareness of the rural population about the dangers of asbestos on human health and the environment whilst absence of financial resources associated with the need to disposal of asbestos as a hazardous material.     ...