Landslides – periods determination of surface mass dislocations geodetic surveys

Landslides are one of the most common events that cause natural disasters. Therefore, performing geodetic monitoring of moving soil mass is necessary to ensure the safety of people and their property. During geodetic surveys connected with landslides monitoring it is very important to plan the moments of observations in a correct time periods. Choosing appropriate moments of observation series can give the observer proper view on progress of process kinematics with identification of development stages of process, which occur sequentially with various severity and frequency. Authors presented the rules of planning observation series during geodetic surveys of deformations according to literature. They focused mainly on formulas connected with ground deformations caused by underground exploitation and gave proposition of planning observations series on the example of landslide, taking into account factors influencing the intensification of soil mass movement, such as water saturation of soil, geological structure of the area or soil type and its properties. ...