Silting of small water reservoirs and quality of sediments

Erosive processes are the limitative vitality of water reservoirs in catchment areas. Considerable quantity of the delivered erosion products to rivers are deposited in artificial barrage reservoirs. Qualification of the silting volume of small retention reservoirs in time of their operation and indication of the proper methods of silting forecast is a particularly essential engineering question especially in relation of the realized programme of small retention. The measurements results of silting of twelve small retention reservoirs being in the river-basin of the Upper Vistula were introduced in this paper. The determined mean silting degree of studied reservoirs carries out from 0,06 % to 6,38 %. Detailed silting forecast of four chosen water reservoirs was presented, two situated on water-courses with hydrological control - reservoirs Krempna and Maziarnia, and two situated on water-courses not included hydrological observations. The aim of the paper is appraisal of the possibility of silting forecast of small retention reservoirs by help of Gončarov’s and Šamov’s empirical formulas and on the basis of the determined intensity of silting according to Schoklitsch’s and Piečinov’s formulas. The capacity- inflow ratios - α, capacity-watershed ratios – C/W of studied water reservoirs were marked. This coefficients made it possible to qualify ...