Effect of application of hydrogel ZEBA SP on sandy soil moisture

The authors present the results of research on the changes of the hydrolog-ical properties of sandy soil after applying the hydrogel ZEBA SP. Uniqueness of the absorbent is due to the fact that is obtained from maize corn starch and there-fore can be an alternative to the hydrogels offered in Poland.In the laboratory experience, in which pF curves of the soil were outlined with the different content of ZEBA SP absorbent was conducted, as well as experi-ence in vases was assumed determining the influence of different concentrations of preparation on changes of the soil moisture and the pace of the soil drying.Examinations showed, around preparation is giving the best effects in the concentration of the 0.5%. Such an amount of preparation: increased the effective and potential useful retention of the soil by the 17%; extended the time of drying of the soil from the state maximum to the minimal humidity from 14 up to 19 days in comparing with the soil without absorbent; increased the availability of the soil water for plants from 9 up to 20 days. ...