Situation of settlement and infrastructure and comparison of urban and rural communities of Jelenia Góra powiat

The article presents analysis and comparison of the settlement and infrastructure of urban and rural communities in the powiat of Jelenia Góra in the years 2008-2012. Research examined several indicators: the indicator of density-availability of water supply and sewage system, population density, population density of residential areas, percentage of residential areas in total community area. Analyzed data refer to communities, without specifying the localities. The results were used to draw dendrite of similar of communities in 2012. This method allowed to show similarities of urban and rural communities and to detect outliers communities. The study showed that the tree of four urban communities (Karpacz, Kowary, Piechowice) are similar and all rural with one urban community are also similar (Janowice Wielkie, Jeżów Sudecki, Mysłakowice, Podgórzyn, Stara Kamienica, Szklarska Poręba). Communities that stand out the most, considering the settlement and infrastructur situation, are: urban community Kowary and rural community Stara Kamienica ...