Analysis of discrepancies of data describing plots (properties) on example of selected cadastral district

In the paper the attempt is made to estimate the volume of the apparition of desriptive data discrepancies concerning plot (property) in selected cadastral dis-trict. In Poland data concerning plots (properties) are published in two basic public registers, which are kept by public administrative powers. Namely Mortgage Register - KsiÄ™gi Wieczyste (KW) and Land and Buildings Cadastre - Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków (EGiB). The aim of Mortgage Register is to register subjects of the register (persons) rights to the register objects (properties). On the other hand the essence of the Land and Buildings Cadastre keeping is to collect information concerning spatial location of the objects, geometry and descriptive information. A certain range of information is doubled in both registers. One can say that EGiB and KW complement one another. The practice shows that, the system of information exchange between the two system is imperfect. Surveyer, in his work, often has to cope with the necessity of clearing all mutual discrepancies of the subject and object information, derived from both registers, and determination of the truth is often connected with longlasting legal and administrative procedures. Such cases cause also local ...