Examination of the digitization of data and use of cadastral maps degree in land and buildings cadaster in the selected district in podkarpackie voivodship

The subject of the elaboration is an analysis of cadastral data in the graphic part of the cadaster register of land and buildings (EGiB) in the Strzyżów district. The study area includes five register units (communes): Strzyżów, Frysztak, Niebylec, Czudec, Cherry. In total, this represents a 63 cadastral precincts. The study includes cadastral maps located in the resources of the District Documentation Centre of Geodesy and Cartography in Strzyżów. The study was performed basing on the classification of cartographic materials made available for work (Markowska, 2013) in the form of (analog, digital, numeric maps) and scale, date and technique of realisation.The main objective of this paper is to examine the degree of utilization of cadastral maps in EGiB in the abovementioned area in the surveying works. In addition, the paper evaluates the level of modernization and digitization resource EGiB, in order to verify the objectives of the LPIS project carried out by ARiMR. An additional aspect of the paper is to compare the results with the data for the voivodship of Malopolska, in the context of the same belonging history of these regions to the lands of the former Austrian annexed territory.     ...