Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the amount of losses during the storage of early potato cultivar tubers

The purpose of the study was to determine of influence of irrigation and ni-trogen fertilization on the amount of losses after the storage of early potato culti-vars during 6 months. Investigations were carried out in 2005–2007 in Kruszyn KrajeÅ„ski near Bydgoszcz on the soil included to the weak rye complex of agricultural suitability. The experiment was conducted as 3-factorial trial, with three rep-lications. The first row factor was early potato cultivar: ‘Dorota’, ‘Gracja’. The second row factor was sprinkler irrigation applied in two variants: Wo – without irrigation (control), (kontrola), W1 – sprinkler irrigation according to indications of tensiometers (irrigation was started when the soil water potential achieved -0,03 MPa). The three row factor was differentiated nitrogen fertilization: N0 = 0 kg N•ha -1, N1 = 40 kg N•ha -1, N2 = 80 kg N•ha -1, N3 = 120 kg N•ha -1. The studied cultivars were characterized by differentiated susceptibility to losses total during the storage. cv. ‘Dorota’ was characterized by the higher losses during the long storage. Irrigation during the vegetation period increased in tubers the amount of natural losses, decrements and the losses caused by sprouting. Nitrogen fertilization of the higher doses as well as in control ...


This work presents the analysis of appearing the natural disasters in opolskie province in years 2008-2010. Dates was received from protocols of losses from administrative districts and cities which rose as a result of disaster and/or adverse weather conditions. On the basis of this information analysis of the scale of this phenomenon have been done. With the use of the statistical test chi-square the comparing of the number of farms embraced with disaster, the size of losses in the zloty and the degree of damage in % and numbers of farms applying for credit in the period of three years. Data concerning the frequency of appearing the natural disasters and adverse atmospheric phenomena in individual local governments on the map of the Opole province was presented. Carried analyses and statistical comparisons are showing that this kind of phenomenon appearing more and more often and defines the areas which suffered particularly in years 2008-2010. Basic of the map it is possibility to isolate north and north west area of our region as the most exposed to losses with adverse atmospheric phenomena and/or natural disasters and the south part of the province where the scale of these phenomena is lesser. ...