Cracow Józef Piłsudski Mound in spatial structure and landscape

The objective of his paper is to represent, based on the example of one of the Cracow mounds, those land objects within a spatial structure and Poland’s cultural landscape. Those large engineering earthen structures are artificially raised geometric bodies. The large and high moulds located on ground elevations constitute architectural dominants and are beauty spots, whereas the smaller ones are classified as small structural forms. For the purpose of this paper, the Józef Piłsudski Mound was chosen as an example. It is situated on the Sowiniec Hill in the ‘Wolski Wood’ Park (in Polish ‘Las Wolski’) in Cracow. This object was selected owing to the fact that, recently, Poland celebrated the 90th anniversary of regaining its independence and Mar-shall Józef Piłsudski rendered considerable service to the independence fight and had strong ties with Cracow. This Mound having three names: The Independence Mound, The Piłsudski Mound, and The Grave of Graves is one of the Cracow four largest earthen monuments. It is also the youngest mould since it was built during the inter-war period in the twentieth century. The Mound is an architectural object. Thus, prior to beginning with the building works, a detailed design was developed. One of ...