Changes of heavy metals contents in sediments of reservoir of anti-rubble dam on example of reservoir of brook Kasinka

The paper presents the results of investigations on changes of heavy metal contain within the deposits of the check dam water reservoir situated on the mountainous stream along the long term observations done between 1977-1981 and in 2002). The work was realized in the Kasinka Stream watershed in the Beskid Wyspowy in Polish Carpathians. The catchment area of the Kasinka Stream is 49,6 km2, the length of the Kasinka to the research cross section is 16,2 km, the precipitation is 914 mm, and the t-years floods within the check-dam cross section are as follows: Q10% = 32,0 m3 s-1, Q5% = 40 m3 s-1, Q2% = 52 m3 s-1, Q1% = 63 m3 s-1, Q0,5% = 73 m3 s-1 and Q0,1% = 99 m3 s-1. The Kasinka Stream is the 3rd order tributary of the Raba River which is the 2nd order tributary of the Vistula River. The Kasinka watershed is situated within the recreation areas of Krakow (the Raba Valley and Mszana municipality). The area is quite dense populated with many tourist areas. Also it is here where the road to Zakopane is nearby. All ...

Disparity of hydrodynamic and granulometric conditions during creation the sandbank of conical-channel shape in mountain stream with gravelly bottom

The main aim of the work is to presents the results of examination of some basic granulometric and hydraulic parameters of the discharge within the region of the braided river bar formation. The research was concentrated on the investigation of the armoring layer of the braided bar in terms of the basic sedimentological parameters, and this way on understanding the forming process of this structure. At the same time hydrological measurements were carried out in the region of the bar and on the basis of these hydraulics calculations of hydrodynamics parameters were performed. For granulometric investigations the samples of the gravel forming the braided bar were collected in ten cross sections of the bar. On the basis of sieve analysis the grain size curves were prepared, so the main granulometric characteristics were described, as follows: Trask sorting coefficient, Hazen sorting coefficient, Knoroz grain parameter, Kollis domination parameter, Trask skewness coefficient and Folk mean deviation. The measurements of water velocities just over the river bed allowed calculating main hydraulics parameters, such as: shear velocity, shear stresses, Froude number, Reynolds number, flow resistance coefficient within the region of the braided middle gravel bar formation in the mountainous river. Hydrodynamics ...

The influence of some abiotical changes in the mountain stream bar on the settlement of the bentic macroinvertebrates

The work describes the research on the settlement of the benthic macro invertebrates within different morphological conditions of the mountain stream channel. Along the paper the community structure of benthos was investigated within the point bars area of the Jałowiecki stream in the Makowski Beskid Mountains. To describe the habitat structure, influenced by varied granulometric and hydrologic conditions the research points of the different habitats types of benthic invertebrate were selected. Type 1; located on the top of riffles, type 2; located close To the proximal part of the bar, type 3; located on the opposite river bank within the area of the point bars and type 4; located in the shadow of mega clusters. ...

Some changes of hydraulics conditions along a river engineered part of the Cedron Stream in the Beskid Sredni mountains

The paper presents the effects of applied river engineering works and its influence on the changes of chosen hydraulics parameters along a reach of the mountainous stream. It was done by presenting the regime of the stream before and after river engineering works. The key parameters used for the hydraulics analysis were: stream velocity, shear stresses, stream power and finally the unit stream power. The research area was located in Polish Carpathians in the Beskid Sredni Mountains. The research stream is called the Cedron and the research reach is located close to Radziszow municipality around 30 kilometers from Krakow. The research was carried out in 2003 (before the river engineering works, after the major flooding in the region) and in 2004 after finishing river training works, which were mostly targeted to stop the bottom of the river and its banks from erosion. To carry on the research 6 cross sections were chosen where detailed velocities of running water were measured in the velocity profiles. Later the rest of analyzed hydraulics parameters such as stream power and shear stresses were calculated. The results were presented in graphical manner (fig. 1-4) and analyzed. In final conclusions it was pointed out, that all ...

Analysis of chosen hydrodynamics parameters along the rapid hydraulic structure with increased roughness – The Sanoczek stream

At the present time once can easily noticed very lively discussion about introducing modern, ecological friendly hydraulic structures in river training works which are suppose to stay up to the standards given by hydrobiologists, ecologists as well as fluvial geomorphologists. One of the proposals of such structures is a rapid hydraulic structure (RHS) with increased roughness. Along the presented paper such structure is presented. It was constructed within the river channel of the Sanoczek Stream in the Bieszczady Mountains, a part of Polish Carpathians. One of the main problems connected with changes of stability of hydraulic structures (in that case also with RHS) is velocity of running water causing huge turbulence and shear stresses. Thus, the objective of the following paper is to present the distribution of velocities values along the RHS and within the region of its influence. The main aim of the research was to describe conditions upstream and downstream of the structure and compare them in terms of stability of the RHS. Parallel with the main aim, the distribution of shear stresses as well as shear velocities along the RHS apron and the region within its influence are also presented. The work was conducted in Agricultural University ...

Diversification of hydraulic parameters in near rapid hydraulic structures (RHS)

At the present, in modern river training practices and philosophy one can notice coming more into use ecological friendly hydraulic structures. Those, which are especially needed for river training works, as far as expectation of Water Framework Directive is concerned, are rapid hydraulic structures (RHS). What is important, RHS in general do not stop fish and invertebrates against migrating upstream, provide natural and esthetical effects within the river channel, still working as hydraulic engineering structures. Along this paper we described and measured some hydraulic parameters within the reach of chosen rapid hydraulic structures, which we found in the field. The main aim of the research was to describe changes of values of those parame-ters upstream and downstream of the RHS's and to find out their influence on hy-drodynamics of the stream. The study was undertaken on the Porębianka Stream in the Gorce Mountains.Observed hydrodynamic parameters within the reach of the RHS's depend on the location of measuring point and the influence of individual part of the structure. At the same time maximum velocity does not always create the bigger shear force, because it is also depend on the velocity distribution along the hydro-logical profile. ...

Changes of hydraulic parameters in the braided river – the Ochotnica river in the Gorce Mountains

Along the paper, the research on chosen hydrodynamic parameters in braided river was described. The research was conducted within the reach of the Ochotnica River in the Gorce Mountains - Polish Carpathians. The research reach was located in the place where two bars in the river were created. In 2003 and 2004 measurements were done in 7 series. Values of flow velocities were measured in the river reach and then shear stresses, dynamic velocities, Reynolds and Froude numbers and Shields parameters were calculated. Analysis of hydro-dynamics parameters allowed to check the hydrodynamic conditions in the river channel. The results show that in the Ochotnica River natural braiding processes are taking place despite of anthropological pressure on the river. ...


On Trzebuńka stream, in Stróża village, the project of lowering of 4.0 m and restoring the check dam has been executed. The structure downstream was redesigned to form rapids, made of stones embedded in the "grouted rock" construction. Now, the whole construction of 12 small water reservoirs forms a kind of long fish pass. The preliminary results of stream channel evolution on Trzebuńka stream above the restored check dam are presented in the paper. There are described the local cases of check dam liquidation or restoration in the World. However, there are still many questions concerning the response of stream channel to such technical intervention. The problem of rate of sediment displacement in the reservoir and the consequent erosion base reduction for the channel above is discussed. The field measurements and observation show that two years after check dam lowering and emptying the sediment reservoir on Trzebuńka stream the transformation of new formed channel upstream the new structure is dynamic. At the length of 180.0 m upstream the new dam the bank erosion is significant. Just above 200.0 m upstream from the structure the channel is stable. ...