Modernization of agriculture, whose gravest problem is labour surplus and connected with it dispersed area structure, among others, relies on diminishing employment. Abandoning agriculture cannot imply migration from rural areas. Therefore, employment opportunities should be created for those who would abandon work in agriculture but would remain in the country. The main stipulation in the considerations of rural areas future is multifunctional development, whose rate and trends depend on many factors. Multifunctionality of rural areas resolves itself to proper, multidirectional utilization of rural potential determined by the above mentioned factors to create new, off-farm jobs. It should be emphasized that local specificity particularly socio-economic conditionings, play a crucial role in the process of multidirectional rural development.The main research problems discussed in the paper focused on the analysis of the rural areas environment effect on multifunctional development of these areas. Verification of the assumed research hypotheses resolved itself to answers to four questions:1. Are there any differences in the level of multifunctional development of communes and on what factors do they depend?2. Does the impact of multifunctional development factors depend on current level of multifunctionality?3. Do the rural dwellers have various preferences concerning multifunc-tional development and what do these preferences depend on?4. Do the opinions ...

Analysis of the distance between places important to tourists and agritourism farms in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship

Ten important places for tourists in terms of quality rest (forest, lake, river, bus and railway communication, grocery store, a restaurant, a pharmacy, a medical station, post office, ATM) were analyzed. The study showed that their distances from the agritourism farms are satisfactory. In 346 cases, the answers on the location of the selected elements of social infrastructure were given, and in 195 - on the qualities of natural surroundings (forest, lakes or rivers). It was noted that from the point of view of the organize of various recreational activities, preferred aspect was the location in a short distance from the lodgings body of water and wooded areas. There were 50 farms located near the forest and 30 - in the immediate vicinity of the lake. Number of farms from which these two qualities were on the stretch just up to 100 m - respectively 68 (forest) and 53 (the lake). More completed information supplied respondents about the subjects of which may supplement their basic needs of tourists from the scope of use of bus and rail, grocery store, restaurants, a medical facility, pharmacy or ATM. Mostly they were deployed in the distance up to 4 km from the residence ...