Structure of expenditure of cold and hot water in one-family apartment

The article presents a structure consumption cold and hot water in apartment with family with 3 people. In analyze apartment install 2 water meters cold and hot water in bathroom and 2 water meters cold and hot water in kitchen. Cold and hot water in kitchen consumption is to prepare meal and to wash dishes. Cold water in bathroom consumption is to rinse off toilet bowl and laundry. Hot water in bathroom consumption is for people in target to keep personal hygiene. In kitchen is one point to draw cold and hot water (sink). In bathroom are for points to draw cold water and two points to draw hot water. The aim of this paper is to describe structure of consumption cold and hot water in to discuss apartment. The detail aims is describe actual parts cold water consumption in bathroom and kitchen and actual parts hot water consumption in bathroom and kitchen.Cold water is deliver with water supply, however hot water with heat and power plant MPEC S.A. in Krakow. In 2004 persons consumed 96,08 m3 water. Medium consumption on one person was 101,0 dm3*M-1*d-1. Analysis consumption in months in 2004 year showed the highest consumption was in ...